image-i-nations trésor

Holy Thursday, The Last Supper, Year B – 2024

Human beings are complex beings, to say the least!
Somehow, we know this from experience.
The scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles gives us a vivid picture of it as well (Jean 13:1-15).
Especially the dialogue between Jesus and Peter.

It starts silently as Jesus comes near to Peter and kneels to wash his feet.
Bewildered – I think this is a fair description of him – Peter questions Jesus:

“Lord, do you wash my feet?”

This seems an impossible course of action – it is absolutely unworthy of Jesus, their Master!
Jesus explains that Peter cannot understand now, but he will understand later.
Peter remains adamant:

“You shall never wash my feet.”

He will finally accept when Jesus links this gesture to the relationship with him that Peter wants very much, of course.

The attitude of Peter is perhaps characteristic of our reaction in certain situations…
We present God with… questions and protestations!…
It is as if, somehow, we knew better than God!

God could give us the answer of Jesus to Peter:
“You cannot understand now…”

It is so very true: there are many situations that puzzle us.
Many events baffle us completely.
We are bewildered by what takes place before our eyes, or in our lives.

Perhaps we need to follow the example Peter’s yielding to Jesus’ request.
What brought the change in the apostle was his desire to remain for ever the friend of Jesus.
His strong affirmation: “You shall never wash my feet”,
was transformed by his eagerness to remain a faithful friend and disciple for ever…

Our repeated ‘never’ can also be transformed into ‘for ever’…
Thus becoming, in our turn, faithful friends and disciples of Christ.


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Alphabet of Lent – Letter Q

Q for Questions

 Questions – they are part of our life in many forms.
From our childhood, we learn to use them in all kinds of situations:
Where? When? How? Who? What? Why?

We want to know, to learn, to understand.
We ask questions from people around us and they do the same themselves.

But have you ever thought of the questions that… God addresses us?…
The first chapters of the Bible present us man being asked questions by God:
“God called to the man: ‘Where are you’?” (Genesis 3:9) – an existential question if ever there was one…

In the gospel, we see Jesus using this form of communication to arise the attention and sometimes provoke people around him.

“Which of you, having a donkey or an ox that has fallen into a pit,
will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?”
And they could not answer Him regarding these things” (Luke 14:5-6)

 “When he was in the house, he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?”
But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest” (Mark 9:33-34).

On an other occasion, Jesus challenges his apostles by asking them a question about himself:
“What about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15).

These questions represent:
a challenge,
a call to become aware,
an interrogation inviting to a relation…

Then, one day, to those who shared life with him from day to day, Jesus asked a series of questions
that called them to see themselves as they were:

“Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?” (Mark 8:18).

You possibly see this as shock therapy!
Jesus probably saw that his apostles needed this…
Could it be that we, too, sometimes need this?…

And God’s method of searching with questions may bring us back to ourselves… and to him!


Source : Image: (Matt Walsh)

21st Sunday of Year A – 2023

QUESTIONS: there are all kinds of them, they are countless.
There are short questions, easy; others are intricate, or vague.
Some are intriguing, others are disturbing, they make us feel uncomfortable.

People ask us questions, of course.
Life also asks questions of us, often difficult questions.
And even… God asks us questions!

This started long ago – we see it happening in the very beginning of the Bible where God asks Adam where he is hiding! (Genesis 3:9).
Throughout the books of the Bible, different people are confronted with this questioning from God.
The prophets are often the interpreters to their people of God’s questions.

Today’s gospel text shows us Jesus asking a very important question indeed (Matthew 16:13-20).
He asks his apostles:
“What about you? Who do you say I am?”

If we move from the first to the twenty-first century where we find ourselves and…
If we listen to this very question now addressed to us…
What will we answer?
Not repeating Peter’s answer, but giving our own very personal reply to Jesus…

Some people reading this text will think: ‘It all depends…’
Very true! It all depends what kind of relationship we are having with God.

For us, is God a distant deity, far above, or far away, who has little to do – we think – with our daily life and experience?
Do we know little about who he is, apart from acknowledging his greatness and power?
Or, do we perceive him – mysteriously, perhaps – as close and concerned about us, always ready to come to our help?

God’s questions are always meant to help us discern the way to a better life, a deeper freedom, a more meaningful existence.
And, we should be convinced that, with God, there are no bad answer, no reply that is wrong.
All our answers – even the most inadequate or incomplete – will be received by him who accepts us as we are!

But, of course, we have to listen to him to hear him speaking to us…
For his part, he will wait, and wait, for our answers…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image: Unsplash

11th Sunday of Year A – 2023

We ask one another many questions, questions about all kinds of things.
But it happens also that we ask questions of… ourselves.
This situation may arise especially when faced with situations which we find disturbing.

At such times, we may wonder:
“Is God unaware of what is happening to me?
Does God not mind how I am suffering just now?
Can God not do something about what I am troubled with?”

In fact, these questions are directed to… God himself!
At such times, it may be good to do what God tells Moses in today’s 1st reading (Exodus 19:2-6):

“The Lord called to Moses and said: “This is what you are to tell the people of Israel: 
‘You yourselves have seen what I did …
 and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself’.” 

God’s words invite us to look back – look back to how he, God, has dealt with us in the past.
To remember, to become aware again – or, perhaps for the first time – of what God has already done for us previously.
Could it not be that God has indeed carried us, pulled us out of difficult situations and, literally, brought us back to himself?

This looking back, this remembering, may not remove the present obstacle, or solve the actual problem.
But the perspective may change, the perception of what I am faced with may take on a completely different aspect.
And I may then feel better able to cope with what seemed overwhelming before…

It is worth a try!…

Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image: Depositphotos


De belles histoires… on ose à peine y croire…

Qui n’aime pas les histoires et les contes?
Les enfants les adorent, les adultes les inventent!
On aime tous entendre les mots magiques : « Il était une fois… »


« Il était une fois… »
Des contes de fée…
Des fables fantastiques…
Des récits d’aventure…

Il y a même des épisodes intitulés : « il était une fois… la vie. »
Et moi je dis : « Il était une fois… MA vie… avec… »

Ses secrets, ses succès, ses excès…
Ses questions, ses suggestions, ses tentations…
Ses ambitions, ses aspirations, ses dévotions…
Ses sentiments, ses pressentiments, ses assentiments…
Ses effrois, ses joies, ses émois…
Ses quêtes, ses requêtes, ses enquêtes…
Ses peurs, ses ardeurs, ses petits et grands bonheurs…
Ses attentes et ses ententes…
Ses déboires, ses espoirs, ses ‘Aurevoirs’…

Innocence… Patience… Silence…

Mon Dieu! Une vie humaine, est-ce tout cela?
Tout cela et… tellement plus encore!…

Se pourrait-il alors que chaque situation, chaque sensation, devienne à son tour le chapitre d’une histoire sainte où chaque moment façonne l’image de la personne que Dieu anticipe de voir paraître devant lui?…

Et… si ce n’était pas un conte ?!


Source: Image: Unsplash


Fête de l’Épiphanie, année A – 2023

Le récit des Mages d’Orient a de quoi susciter la curiosité, l’intérêt et, pour certains, la recherche.
Ces personnages ont, depuis des siècles, fasciné petits et grands.

On dit qu’ils étaient trois, mais il a été mentionné qu’un 4è les suivrait plus tard.
On a affirmé qu’ils étaient des rois, mais comment l’assurer.
On présume qu’ils venaient de pays aux cultures diverses, peut-être mais on ne l’a pas prouvé.

Une chose semble certaine: ils se sont mis en marche.
Ils ont décidé de se mettre en chemin –
en chemin vers une destination inconnue, un pays lointain, un endroit vaguement perçu.

Le texte de l’évangile de ce jour nous dit qu’ils avaient une question en tête (Matthieu 2:1-12):
« Où est le roi des Juifs qui vient de naître ? »

Se mettre en chemin, se diriger vers une destination – c’est là une expérience qui nous est bien familière.
Et avoir des questions à l’esprit, cela fait aussi partie de notre expérience.

Alors que je considère ces Sages qui se sont mis en route, je pense à nos cheminements.
Tout ce que représentent nos pérégrinations.
Et l’image soudain me vient à l’esprit… celle de la lettre S… 

J’y vois le chemin :         

Sans issue…



Je me rappelle les:

Situations inquiétantes…
Souvenirs douloureux…
Secrets pénibles…
Soucis obsédants…

Mais je revois aussi tout ce que les longues marches sur le chemin m’ont appris et apporté:

Sagesse au quotidien…
Sécurité au fil des jours…
Sérénité malgré l’incertitude…
Sens de la vie…
Silence offrant la solution à un problème…
Soulagement à l’issue de l’épreuve surmontée…
Satisfaction d’avoir surmonté l’obstacle…

Tout cela grâce, oui, don gratuit de Celui que recherchait ces Sages de l’Orient: Dieu-avec-nous!

Que nos cheminements en cette nouvelle année nous fassent découvrir qu’Il marche avec nous sur la route Celui que les Mages ont trouvé …


Note: Une autre réflexion, sur un thème différent, est disponible en anglais à:


Source: Image: Country Life 



Feast of the Epiphany, Year A – 2023

Meeting someone on the road – a friend, a neighbour, a colleague – the questions often arise:
“Where are you coming from? Where are you going?”

The place a person has left from, and the place where he/she is going to.
The point of departure and the planned destination…
It seems obvious that being on the road implies this.

The gospel text of today leads us to meet some people who are precisely on the road (Matthew 2:1-12).

Magi – wise men coming from the East, we are told.
And they are going to a place they are not too sure about… some mysterious destination.
At one point on the way, they will stop to ask more about it saying:

“Where is the infant king of the Jews?”

This question would not be asked nowadays.
But THE question that should be asked is…
Where do I come from and… where am I going… in life?!

We may not be able to change anything to where we have been so far,
but we, definitely, can do something about where we are moving to…

A destination… some people call it ‘a goal’ which they pursue with all the energy they can muster.
Something they have fixed for themselves to reach, no matter the cost.
A few would say: “Something worth living for, something worth dying for…”

At the beginning of a new year, it is good to ask: ‘Do I have such a purpose in life?’
What if this were not a place but… a Person?…
No longer “The infant king of the Jews”, but the one who has revealed himself as “God-with-us”.

Because this is the one who is, not only our destination, but our faithful companion on the road…
The Magi could not yet know him as such, but we do!
Or… do we?…

Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French at:


Source: Images: Unsplash    Blendspace



21è dimanche de l’année C – 2022

Les questions et… les réponses – elles font partie de notre quotidien.
Elles nous rejoignent de bien des manières et dans les circonstances les plus diverses.
Où? Quand? Comment? Pourquoi?…
Elles surgissent de la curiosité peut-être, ou du désir d’apprendre.
Elles nous surprennent parfois et souvent nous interpellent.

Il est intéressant d’observer Jésus quand on lui pose une question.
On l’interroge parfois sur les traditions de son peuple.
Il se peut aussi qu’on le questionne sur son attitude dans telle ou telle situation.
Il arrive qu’on lui demande une information sur un sujet en particulier.
C’est le cas dans le texte de l’évangile d’aujourd’hui (Luc 13:22-30).

« Jésus traversait villes et villages en enseignant.
Quelqu’un lui demanda :
‘Seigneur, n’y a-t-il que peu de gens qui soient sauvés ?’ »

Une question d’importance… vous vous la posez peut-être vous-même?
Il s’agit de notre vie maintenant et… de l’autre vie – celle qui nous attend après la mort.
Être sauvé, n’est-ce pas ce que tous et toutes nous désirons?

J’imagine que les gens qui, ce jour-là, écoutaient l’enseignement de Jésus désiraient bien connaître la réponse qu’il allait donner à cette question.
Mais… selon son habitude, Jésus n’a pas répondu!
Ou plutôt, il a répondu… comme il le fait souvent:
par  une parabole, un récit, une autre question, ou un conseil…

C’est le cas du texte d’aujourd’hui qui est un rappel à ce qui est essentiel:
non pas le nombre des élus mais bien… si NOUS pourrons, nous, être de ce groupe !
Jésus nous en donne le secret – un secret assez mystérieux:

« Efforcez-vous d’entrer par la porte étroite. »

Mais il nous laisse le soin d’interpréter ses paroles.
À nous d’identifier – au fil des jours – ce que représente cette ‘porte étroite’…

Chacun, chacune doit personnaliser ses réactions, évaluer ses choix, assumer ses engagements…

Se garder de la facilité: ‘Ç’est assez bien comme ça…’
             alors qu’on pourrait faire bien mieux!
Se méfier du laisser-aller: ‘Tout l’monde le fait…’
          alors que la discipline serait de rigueur dans cette situation.
Vaincre l’apathie: ‘J’ai toujours fait ainsi, à quoi bon changer…’
            alors qu’un effort conduirait à une vie plus riche de sens.
Surmonter l’égoïsme: ‘J’me débrouille, que les autres en fassent autant’…
             alors qu’on pourrait donner un coup de main à quelqu’un dans le besoin.

Jésus ne répond pas aux questions mais…
les réponses que son Esprit nous suggère au plus secret de nous-mêmes sont la piste qu’il nous faut suivre pour « prendre place au festin dans le royaume de Dieu ».

Note: Une autre réflexion est offerte sur un thème différent en anglais à:


Source: Image: Iris de la Bible



3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C – 2022

Reading the gospel texts, each one is inspired by them in his/her own way.
Any given text, at different moments, may open up new perspectives and offer new messages.

Today the long gospel text presents us with two different scenes (John 21:19-31).
In the second one, we see Jesus with Peter – a scene quite special indeed and rich in insights.
I read it again and… an unusual idea comes – the title I would give to this scene:
‘What God knows but… wants to be told again!’
Not once, not twice, but three times, Jesus asks a question from Peter.
A searching question, one that is very personal, and… evocative…
Every time Peter answers repeating the words:
“Lord, you know that I love you.”
The third time, Peter adds the words:
“Lord, you know everything…”
Peter is right: Jesus knows it but wants to hear it, he wants Peter to pronounce the words –
words that will remind him who has been weak, and betrayed Jesus, that he is still Jesus’ friend.

There are people who refuse to pray saying that God knows everything and does not need to be told of our needs.
They are convinced that God knows whatever situation we find ourselves in and does not need to be reminded of anything.

It is true but… perhaps WE need to realize what our situation is, what our needs are, and… what is the friendship that God offers us!
God who wants to share our life, in close proximity to us, from day to day…

It may be something that WE need to be reminded of!


Note: And another reflection, on a different theme, is available in French at:


Source: Image: Church of Jesus Christ