It can happen that we get so used to reading, or hearing, the gospel texts that, somehow, we have the impression that… we know them.
But perhaps we need to get to… know them anew!
Some people will say that the Scripture texts do not change, and this is true, but… we do!
Yes, with time, we become different – physically, of course, but also mentally and emotionally.
Many factors contribute to our becoming different people from what we were some years ago: the readings we make, the people we meet, the happenings in our lives, all these mold us in a certain way.
All these influences that we are submitted to have also an impact on our relationships with people and… with God!
The last verse of today’s gospel text (John 2:1-11) mentions an interesting fact:
“What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory;
and his disciples believed in him.”
We find this understandable, of course, since what Jesus did was to change an enormous quantity of water into the best wine.
I think that if we had been among those present at the feast in Cana on that day, we would have readily seen Jesus as someone exceptional.
We would have easily believed that he had some special power.
Let us move from the first century to today, and let us look at ourselves, believers.
We can ask ourselves: What is it that has made us become believers?
What has led us to accept God in our lives?
How have we been drawn to know him and accept his message?
What keeps us following Jesus from day to day?
Where do we find the courage not to give up, even when faced with problems and difficulties?
If we look closely at our lives, we may realize that our relationship with God is different today from what it was some years ago.
In fact, it should be so!
We should have grown in knowledge of who he is.
We should be closer to him, trust him more deeply, relying on him no matter what!
We are still at the beginning of a new year…
We see the disciples of Jesus believing in him for changing water into wine.
What is Jesus doing for us, in us, that makes us believe in him just now?
It should keep us going well into… the coming year, yes, no matter what!
Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:
Source: Images: (Rene Therp; Juan P. photo and video)