
Greetings to each and everyone of you.

This section for English-speaking viewers –
and all those enjoying the culture –

has developed over the months and is now offering materials of all kinds:

texts, images, poems, videos, etc.

It will continue to provide you with rich contents week after week.


Feast of the Epiphany, Year C

Today’s feast – the Epiphany – is often called: ‘the Feast of the Kings’ referring to the Magi. They are presented to us as being three Wise Men that legend describes as kings.

If we accept this, the text of Matthew’s gospel today (Mt.2:1-12) refers to… five kings! You are puzzled…

Well, the three Magi, and… King Herod, and the one the Wise Men inquire about as being “the king of the Jews”!

The word ‘Epiphany’ means ‘manifestation’ – a manifestation that entails a revelation. As I reflect about this, I see in these five ‘kings’ a symbol of humanity itself.

William Shakespeare has written: “All the world’s a stage” – somehow the text of Matthew somehow illustrates this.

The Wise Men are the symbol of people searching, searching for someone – the one giving the meaning of life.

King Herod is the personification of authority gone astray, clinging to power and its privileges for the selfish satisfaction of his own self.

And the one mentioned by the Magi “the king of the Jews”– this new-born child, is ‘God-with-us’ giving to all of us the power of becoming truly children of God.

Perhaps, it could be said that… “Everyone’s a stage!…”
Deep within us is the seed of someone searching…

Someone having to overcome selfishness…

Someone newly-born as God’s own child!…

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: 



Source: Image: Jesus Walk   youtube.com   istockphoto.com


Feast of Mary, Mother of God, Year C

During this festive Season we have been exchanging good wishes of all kinds. We wish one another good health, happiness and peace, and many more good things. We sometimes summarize them in telling people that we want for them God’s blessings.

The first reading of today’s celebration (Nb.6:22-27) is, in fact, an extended blessing. The text tells us that God himself has chosen the words of it, so to speak.

One expression, repeated in the Psalm that follows (Ps.67:2-3,5,7-8), says:

“May God be gracious to you.”

The word ‘gracious’ evokes the picture of someone who is pleasant, kind, cordial, ready to help. Another definition comes to mind in the words: “filled with God’s grace”.

We are used to the language of religious faith and the expression ‘God’s grace’ is very familiar to us. Perhaps too familiar… we may no longer be aware of its deep meaning.

We may be in danger of seeing ‘grace’ as a ‘thing’, a gift from God, yes, but something different from himself.

In fact, it is the very essence of God, the very way God is for us, towards us… in us! God could not be otherwise!

God wants to ‘grace’ us, that is to share with us what he is so that we may become ever more as he is. This is the very meaning of the feast of Christmas that we have been celebrating.

One of the Fathers of the Church, saint Irenaeus, (c.120-200) said:

“God has become what we are, that He might bring us to be even what He is Himself. »

This is the extent of his graciousness!


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:  https://image-i-nations.com/fete-de-marie-mere-de-dieu-annee-c/


Feast of the Holy Family, Year C

This may have happened to you: waking up in the morning and saying to yourself: “I hope that, today, some good news will come my way…”

Well, this is what we have been celebrating on Christmas day. The gospel text gave us the angel’s words: “Today, I bring you news of great joy…” (Lk.2:10-11).

That good news is that God has become one of us.

And today, the second part of this great news unfolds for us: We have become… one of his!

It is said, it is written, it is proclaimed, in the second reading of the 1st epistle

of John: “We are called God’s children and so we are!” (1 Jn.3:1-2,21-24).

We are indeed and in truth ‘God’s family’.

It may not take all the problems away, it may not remove all pain and sorrow, but it provides strength to carry the problems and comfort in facing the painful situations.

GOOD NEWS indeed!

Note: Another reflection on a different theme is available in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/fete-de-la-sainte-famille-annee-c/

Source: Image: YouTube

Christmas, Year C

Some years ago, I saw a Christmas card of a very unusual design. It depicted the star of Bethlehem, shining bright. And the shadow this star cast on the ground had the shape of… a cross.  

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est star-of-bethlehem-1.jpg.

Quite a prophetic expression and a unique evocation of the meaning of the Nativity. More than once, I searched the web in vain to find back this illustration. But the message has remained with me…

From the darkness of the Christmas night in Bethlehem to the darkness of Golgotha, a LIGHT has shone – the very one which has led the prophet Isaiah to say:

“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.” (Is.9:2)

And of the coming of Jesus in our world, the apostle John said with conviction:

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (Jn.1:5)

The light of him who could say:

“I am the Light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (Jn.8:12)

“The light of life” this is the gift of Christmas offered to us by God himself.

A unique gift, the one we can’t do without!


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/noel-annee-c/


Source: Image: youtube



4th Sunday of Advent, Year C

Just a few days before Christmas, many of us are rushing – hurrying to do this, to go there, to buy that. So many things to do, so many tasks to see to, so many people to contact…

So much, so many – it seems a mountain to climb to accomplish all that we are faced with before…

Before what?… Well… before Christmas!

The gospel text of today (4th Sunday of Advent, Year C – Luke 1:39-45) shows us Mary, precisely before Christmas. She, too, is in a hurry, we are told, and she too has a mountain to climb (at least, a hill, as the text describes it).

“At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country…”

She has just been visited by an angel, she has been asked to be the mother of God’s own Son and… she goes – she gets ready and moves on, not for herself but to help someone else. 

Some people would have expected her to stay home and reflect on what has just happened… Reflect, meditate, contemplate, adore – of course! Yes, of course, she will do all that, I believe… on the way!

Perhaps our own way to prepare for Christmas could be similar to hers: Reflect, meditate. contemplate, adore… in the midst of all the chores and duties that we are faced with.

If that way was good enough for her, should it not be good enough for us?!


Note: another reflection is available on a different theme at: https://image-i-nations.com/4e-dimanche-de-lavent-annee-c/

Source: Image: infovisual.com

3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C

There are many things said about God. Teachers and preachers, theologians and scripture scholars, give us much information on who God is. Some of their words may inspire us, others leave us skeptic, or indifferent perhaps.

The first and second readings of this Sunday (3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C) tell us something most important. Something which is, in fact, astonishing.

To the Christians of Philippi (Ph4:4-7), the apostle Paul says: “God is near.”     

And the prophet Zephaniah (Ze.3:14-18) adds: “The Lord is in you.”

 From ancient times, human beings have tried to reach God. Amazingly, it is God who is trying to draw our attention, more still draw us to himself.

Today’s message, in a nutshell, could read: GOD IS REAL, GOD IS NEAR!

 This short text could find itself on the social media.

 It should find itself at the heart of… our faith and our lives!

Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/3e-dimanche-de-lavent-annee-c/


Source: Image: HCliffCraig.com




2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C

Daily life imposes on us a fair share of difficult things to do –

  • tasks to take care of
  • chores to be done
  • appointments to remember
  • commitments to honour…

Some pleasant perhaps, others much less so.
We feel obliged, day in, day out, to make efforts, to overcome our inclination to take things a little easy.
We may have the impression that we must constantly… stretch ourselves!

So, it comes as good news indeed when someone offers to take his/her share of the burden.
God himself is ready to do so!
This is exactly what is offered to us on this Sunday (2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C – Ph.1:4-6,8-11).
In the second reading, we hear Paul assuring the Philippians of this:

“I am quite certain that the one who began this good work in you
will see that it is finished.”

The good work is the one mentioned in last Sunday’s text of Paul to the Thessalonians (1 Th.3:12 – 4:2):
living a life pleasing to God, aiming at being holy.
Surely not a life-style that is easy to make our own!
But we are not asked, or expected, to do this by ourselves – we forget this so easily!

In the chapter following the one of today’s reading, Paul will repeat to the first Christians:
“It is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”    (Ph.2:13)
It cannot be clearer: why are we so reluctant to believe it and… rely on it?!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/2e-dimanche-de-lavent-annee-c/

Source: Image:  Pinterest

International Volunteer Day – 5 December 2018

The United Nations (UN) annually observes the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development on December 5. The day, which is also known as International Volunteer Day (IVD), gives volunteers a chance to work together on projects and campaigns promoting their contributions to economic and social development at local, national and international levels.

Each year UN General Assembly invites governments to observe the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development on December 5 (A/RES/40/212 of 17 December 1985). As a result of the resolution from December 17, 1985, governments, the UN, and civil society organizations work together with volunteers around the world to celebrate the Day on December 5 each year.

In 2001, the International Year of Volunteers, the Assembly adopted a set of recommendations on ways that governments and the UN could support volunteering and asked that they be widely disseminated. The International Year of Volunteers aimed to stimulate national and international policy debate around, and to advocate for, recognizing, facilitating, networking and promoting voluntary action. The year led to a much better appreciation of the power of volunteerism in its many forms and the ways to support it.

Source: Text: www.timeanddate.com  Image: volunteeringnz.org.nz

International Day of Persons with Disabilities – 3 December

The estimated one billion people living with disabilities worldwide face many barriers to inclusion in many key aspects of society. As a result, people with disabilities do not enjoy access to society on an equal basis with others, which includes areas of transportation, employment, and education as well as social and political participation.

The right to participate in public life is essential to create stable democracies, active citizenship and reduce inequalities in society.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities falls on the 3rd of December each year, with the aim of promoting empowerment, and helping to create real opportunities for people with disabilities. This enhances their own capacities and supports them in setting their own priorities.

Empowerment involves investing in people – in jobs, health, nutrition, education, and social protection. When people are empowered they are better prepared to take advantage of opportunities, they become agents of change and can more readily embrace their civic responsibilities.

Source: Text: www.awaarenessdays.com  Image: UN