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World Suicide Prevention Day – September 10



This day serves as a reminder that suicide is a major public health concern and that everyone has a role to play in preventing it.

History of World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day was first observed in 2003, as an initiative of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).

The day was established to promote global commitment and action to prevent suicides. Since then, World Suicide Prevention Day has been observed annually on September 10th, with various events, campaigns, and activities taking place in countries around the world.

The day serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about suicide, reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues, and encourage individuals to seek help when needed. It also aims to mobilize efforts to improve access to mental health services and support those affected by suicide.

Warning Signs and Risk Factors

Recognizing warning signs and risk factors is crucial in preventing suicide. Some common warning signs include talking about death or suicide, expressing feelings of hopelessness or unbearable pain, withdrawing from friends and activities, and displaying extreme mood swings.

Risk factors for suicide include mental health disorders (such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse), a history of trauma or abuse, chronic illness or pain, and previous suicide attempts. It is essential to take these signs seriously and reach out to offer support and connect individuals with professional help when needed.

Source: Text & Image:


Fête du Corps et du Sang du Christ, année B -2024

Une fête qui date de plusieurs siècles, elle fut instituée par le pape Urbain IV le 8 septembre 1264.
C’est là une célébration qui répondait à la piété populaire du temps.
Elle permettait aux croyants d’alors d’exprimer leur foi et leur dévotion.
Elle est parfois mentionnée par son nom latin: Corpus Christi.

Elle fait écho à la célébration du Jeudi-Saint qui a pris place récemment durant la Semaine Sainte.
L’évangile d’aujourd’hui nous en présente la scène de nouveau (Marc 14:12-16,22-26).
Nous y voyons Jésus qui se donne en nourriture sous les signes du pain et du vin.
« Prenez, ceci est mon corps », dit-il à ses apôtres réunis autour de lui.
Il fait de même avec la coupe de vin.

L’un des textes de cette célébration est un long chant de louange qui remercie Dieu pour ce don unique.
Il prend la forme d’un enseignement sur le sens profond de l’action de Jésus que nous reproduisons.

Mais l’auteur affirme, qu’en fait, le pain et le vin « ne sont que de pures signes » (Séquence).
La réalité est la présence réelle du Christ qui continue de demeurer avec nous de cette manière.
Ces signes rendent visible… l’invisible.

Ce même texte de la Séquence (chant/réponse à la 2è lecture) nous dit que ce pain est:
« le pain de l’homme en route ».

Le pain de l’être humain que nous sommes sur la route du quotidien –
         la route de notre cheminement au fil des jours,
         la route de nos projets et de nos activités,
         la route de nos rêves et de nos attentes,
         la route que nous poursuivons porté/es par l’enthousiasme, ou découragé/es par l’épreuve…

Nous avons vraiment besoin de ravitaillement, de resourcement, nous en sommes conscient/es.
« Le pain sur la route » nous est donné…

Toujours offert – aujourd’hui, demain, et à chaque lendemain…
répondant à nos besoins quels qu’ils soient…

Présence constante et indéfectible…


Note : Une autre réflexion, sur un thème différent, est disponible en anglais à:


Source: Images: (Josh Hild)

5th Sunday of Year B – 2024

Looking at life unfolding from day to day, some people would say:
“Daily life is a ‘mixed bag’.”
They think of their experience day after day –
good things and bad things are part of what happens to them.

Joyful events and happy encounters are surely enjoyable.
But problems and difficulties are not.
Struggling with misfortune and coping with accidents, this is painful.
And sickness is part of what we see as painful situations in our lives.

When we are suffering physically or mentally, or both, we feel we are not ourselves.
We long to be healed from the pain and hurt.
We want to be freed from worry, anxiety, and all such negative feelings.

At such times, some of us may envy the people who lived in Jesus’ time.
The text of today’s gospel reading outlines clearly what we would hope for (Mark 1:29-39):

“That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus
all the sick and those possessed by demons. 
The whole town gathered at the door, 
and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. 
He also drove out many demons”

Sickness and possession suddenly taken away – was it not something wonderful?
People suffering and tormented are now free from their misery.
And we think: What about us?

We can no longer reach Jesus in a certain place and ask him to heal whatever affliction we suffer from.
Yet, healing is often provided through the medication available nowadays.
Medical science, the knowledge and expertise of specialists can often cure many diseases.
God can make use of these to heal us.

You say: “Often, yes, but not always”.
It is true.
On this earth, we cannot enjoy permanent health and… immortality.
Our human condition does not allow for everlasting enjoyment of a healthy life.
We must live… waiting for… the ‘other life’ – the eternal one…

One day I read a text from a spiritual writer asking this question:
“What kind of a God do we want to believe in –
a God who can cure our diseases once?
Or, a God who lives with us through all that we have to suffer from?”

I ask myself this question from time to time?…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Images: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints




World Osteoporosis Day – 20 October

World osteoporosis day is a global healthcare event observed every year on 20 October, followed by various awareness campaigns and activities to promote the early diagnosis of osteoporosis, its treatment and preventive tips for strong bones. The campaigns are mainly focused on encouraging people to take preventative measures for their bone health to avoid any risk of osteoporosis and associated complications in the future.

Importance of World Osteoporosis Day (WOD)

Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which bones become very weak and brittle. Usually, it doesn’t show any symptoms unless the fracture happens. In the case of osteoporosis, the bone becomes so fragile that a fracture can occur with a minor fall, bump or sudden movement. The chances of osteoporosis prevail more with ageing. It is one of the most common causes of fractures in the elderly. Because of the asymptomatic nature of this bone disorder, it is essential to look after bone health to prevent complications related to bone fractures.

It is estimated that globally, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men aged 50 years suffer from an osteoporotic fracture, making it one of the leading causes of deadly pain and long-term disability in ageing people. Also, because of the poor healthcare infrastructure, facility, accessibility and lack of awareness, only 20% of patients with osteoporosis are getting diagnosed or treated.

The prevalence of osteoporosis in elderly female has been noticed more, after 5-7 year of menopause they tend to lose their bone density by 20%. To avoid any future complications in bone health, world osteoporosis day (WOD), with the help of concerned organizations and people around the world, creates awareness and encourages people to get an early diagnosis and check for bone density and act accordingly. Implementing a particular lifestyle and adhering to healthy food habits can help ensure healthy bones and prevent prolonged osteoporosis.


Source: Text & Image:

28th Sunday of Year A – 2023


We sometimes hear people exclaim: “This is too good to be true!”
They may speak these words about some unexpected outcome, or some surprising opportunity.
They can hardly believe that such good fortune is offered to them.

The text of today’s 1st reading could perhaps provoke the same reaction from many people (Isaiah 25:6-10).
What the prophet Isaiah tells the people of Israel is indeed quite astonishing.
Isaiah describes what God is preparing for them.
The words of the prophet depict the scene of a wonderful feast to be enjoyed:
delicious food and wine are available in plenty and suffering and death have disappeared for ever.

It is true that our daily life is not easy and often we meet with much that causes pain and suffering.
We are faced with problems and trials of all kinds.
So, when hearing of promises such as those in Isaiah’s text, people may wonder about the possibility of such an outcome.
To many, skepticism will come more easily than optimism!…
Doubt may prevail over hope…

But perhaps we need to realize that, with God, the saying mentioned above must be turned around.
It should be said: “It is too good NOT to be true!”

God is not only good, God is goodness itself.
He delights in showering on us his gifts and blessings.
He wants us to be happy and, in Jesus, he has shown us the way to happiness.

He has shown us the way, yes, but… it is up to us to follow this way…
Then… through all that happens, all that we experience…
then, we will come to see, and to REAL-IZE…

Realize and be able to make our own the words of Isaiah:
“Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us.”


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:






World Arthritis Day – 12 October

On October 12th of each year, World Arthritis Day spreads awareness about the most prevalent disease in the world. This awareness day highlights the need for early diagnosis and treatment.

More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children in the United States have arthritis. By the year 2040, an estimated 78 million people in the U.S. will have arthritis. About 120 million people in the European Union live with arthritis. A total of 350 million people throughout the world have the disease. Arthritis and related conditions account for more than $156 billion in lost wages and medical expenses each year. The disease also results in one million hospitalizations a year.

Arthritis is commonly known as joint inflammation. There are over 100 types of arthritis. The two most common types include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While there is no cure for this disease, treatments are available. Doctors prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory medications, and injections called corticosteroids to treat arthritis. Physical therapy and chiropractic care can also help reduce pain and inflammation. For some, surgery, such as joint replacement or joint fusion, is the only option.

Many people with arthritis also have other conditions. These conditions include heart disease and diabetes. Some people are more prone to others than having arthritis. Common risk factors include family history, age, being overweight, and previous joint injury.

Severe arthritis is debilitating as it becomes difficult to do daily tasks and enjoy activities. In some cases, the joints become twisted and deformed.


Source: Text & Image:


Journée mondiale du pain – 16 octobre

 C’est la fédération internationale des boulangers (UIB) qui a déclaré la journée du 16 octobre jour du pain. On peut s’interroger sur le choix de cette date qui est parallèlement celle retenue pour la Journée Mondiale de l’alimentation.

Historiquement, le pain a été une part essentielle de la nourriture et c’est peut être tout simplement là qu’il faut chercher un élément de réponse… à moins que, comme moi, vous ne sachiez pas résister à la bonne odeur d’un pain fraîchement sorti du four !

The World bread day

Le nombre et la variétés de pains que l’on peut trouver chez nos boulangers ne manque pas d’étonner et laisse réveur quand on songe à l’extrême simplicité originelle du pain : de la farine, de l’eau et du sel…

Chaque pays a ses coutumes et ses traditions, chaque région a son pain et le regain d’intérêt accordé au pain avec la vague écolo a multiplié l’offre disponible.

Le pain « quotidien » signifie encore quelque chose pour la plupart d’entre nous et cela mérite bien qu’on lui consacre une journée mondiale.

Source: Texte: Journée mondiale  Images: Journée mondiale

32nd Sunday of Year C – 2019

We find ourselves in all kinds of situations – some of them bring joy, others, sadness.
Encouraging experiences and dispiriting ones are all part of daily life.
Smiles and tears take turns to express our contentment or our pain.

When we look at what brings pain to us, we sometimes detect one main cause:
it is the unfaithfulness of people dear to us.
The unreliability of neighbours and colleagues may hurt us.
But what is especially distressing is that some of those we truly love can no longer be counted on.
We trusted them, we expected them to be with us at all times, but they have failed us.

Such experiences may lead us – unfortunately – to think that perhaps even… God cannot be relied upon.
If this is so, then the message that the apostle Paul in today’s 2nd reading is encouraging indeed.
It is addressed to the first Christians of Thessalonica (2 Th. 2:16 – 3:5) and Paul assures them:

The Lord is faithful.
We can depend on him in all situations, at all times for every kind of need.
Is this not the meaning of FAITHFULNESS?

When writing to his friend Timothy, Paul had told him the same thing and had added (2 Tim.2:13):
“He remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”

So we can take heart and find courage, this is a true source of security and hope. 

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image:

Fête du Corps et du Sang du Christ, année C – 2019

‘Rester sur sa faim’ – l’expression nous est bien connue.
Un parent avisé devant l’enfant trop gourmand de chocolat l’empêche de satisfaire son caprice.
Les populations aux prises avec la famine doivent bien souvent se priver et rester sur leur faim.
La même attitude se retrouve chez ceux qui, chez nous, se voient obligés de dépendre de l’aide alimentaire…

Le début du texte de l’évangile d’aujourd’hui (Lc.9:11-17) nous porterait à croire que
les auditeurs et auditrices de Jésus devront en faire autant.
Les apôtres conseillent à Jésus de les renvoyer – purement et simplement – le problème sera ainsi résolu.
Un conseil bien vite changé en injonction par Jésus : « Donnez-leur vous-mêmes à manger. »
J’imagine facilement la réaction des disciples : donner à manger à une telle foule!
On l’estime d’un coup d’œil à 5,000 hommes « sans compter les femmes et les enfants »,
nous assure l’évangéliste Matthieu! (Mt.14:21).

Dans son récit de la même scène, l’apôtre Jean ajoute un détail bien intéressant :
« Il dit cela pour le (Philippe) mettre à l’épreuve, car il sait déjà, lui, ce qu’il va faire. » (Jn.6:6)
Et le résultat est absolument inattendu, inédit, impensable :
« Ils mangèrent et ils furent tous rassasiés. »
Ce jour-là personne n’est ‘resté sur sa faim’ ! 
En fait, ce qui est resté c’était justement 12 paniers de pains de trop !!

Et la méthode de Dieu, son attitude foncière dirait un psychologue, demeure la même :
avec lui, on ne reste jamais sur sa faim
quelle que soit notre faim : être compris/e, accepté/e, valorisé/e, pardonné/e – et quoi encore ?

Il veut et il peut nous rassasier, si seulement nous nous adressons à lui !

Avec lui, on n’est jamais en reste !

Note : Une courte présentation vidéo sur cette scène est offerte à :

           Et une autre réflexion est disponible sur un thème différent en anglais à :


Source : Images :

International Overdose Awareness Day – 31 August

International Overdose Awareness Day is a global campaign that works towards preventing overdose, reducing the stigma associated with it, and providing support to families and loved ones of overdose victims. The unofficial awareness day is observed every year on August 31.

The day was established in 2001 by Australians Sally J. Finn and Peter Streker as a way to commemorate those who have lost their lives to overdose, and to support the loved ones whose lives have been affected by drug abuse.

Since 2012, the responsibility of organizing International Overdose Awareness Day has been taken over by the Penington Institute, an Australian non-profit health organization. Despite its Australian roots, the day is now observed all over the world.

Recognizing Symptoms of Overdose
Medical professionals define overdose as the accidental or intentional use of a drug or a substance such as alcohol or a narcotic beyond the recommended dosage. An overdose can have serious consequences, with effects ranging from mild disorientation to seizures, brain injury, and death.

Part of International Overdose Awareness Day’s agenda is to spread information about how to detect signs of substance abuse and overdose, and what to do when encountering a person who may be having an adverse reaction to a drug. Disorientation, agitation, difficulty in breathing, and vomiting can be signs of overdose and should not be ignored.

A Global Problem
Overdose is an increasing global problem. A 2014 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that about 183,000 people succumb to overdose around the world every year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an American public health organization, drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States.

A vast majority of overdose deaths occur due to opioid abuse. Opioids are a class of drugs that reduce the intensity of pain by interacting with proteins called opioids found in the human brain, spinal cord, and other organs. Opiates include illegal substances like heroin, as well as legally prescribed medication such as oxycodone, codeine, and morphine.

Source: Text: Image: Latino Public Radio