World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation – 1st September 2024

« Hope and Act with Creation” is the theme of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to be held on 1 September 2024. The theme is drawn from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans (8:19-25), where the Apostle explains what it means for us to live according to the Spirit and focuses…

The Alphabet of Lent – Letter M

M for Message Messages, we receive plenty of them! Those which used to come to us through the mail still reach us. But the many platforms of the social media are now a more importance source. Permanent connection, continuous information, repeated messages in loop – each second downloads them! Each message brings its contents and… the…

28th Sunday of Year A – 2023

  We sometimes hear people exclaim: “This is too good to be true!” They may speak these words about some unexpected outcome, or some surprising opportunity. They can hardly believe that such good fortune is offered to them. The text of today’s 1st reading could perhaps provoke the same reaction from many people (Isaiah 25:6-10)….

World TB Day – 24 March 2023

World TB Day 2023, with the theme ‘Yes! We can end TB!’, aims to inspire hope and encourage high-level leadership, increased investments, faster uptake of new WHO recommendations, adoption of innovations, accelerated action, and multisectoral collaboration to combat the TB epidemic. This year is critical, with opportunities to raise visibility and political commitment at the…

7th Sunday of Year A – 2023

Reading the word of God in the Bible, one can experience all kinds of feelings: joy and consolation, hope and anticipation, wonder and questioning, regret, perhaps… or helplessness?… But there are times when the feeling is one of surprise – total and unexpected amazement! The first lines of today’s 2nd reading can awaken such a…