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World Osteoporosis Day – 20 October 2023

World osteoporosis day is a global healthcare event observed every year on 20 October, followed by various awareness campaigns and activities to promote the early diagnosis of osteoporosis, its treatment and preventive tips for strong bones. The campaigns are mainly focused on encouraging people to take preventative measures for their bone health to avoid any risk of osteoporosis and associated complications in the future.

Importance of World Osteoporosis Day (WOD)

Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which bones become very weak and brittle. Usually, it doesn’t show any symptoms unless the fracture happens. In the case of osteoporosis, the bone becomes so fragile that a fracture can occur with a minor fall, bump or sudden movement. The chances of osteoporosis prevail more with ageing. It is one of the most common causes of fractures in the elderly. Because of the asymptomatic nature of this bone disorder, it is essential to look after bone health to prevent complications related to bone fractures.

It is estimated that globally, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men aged 50 years suffer from an osteoporotic fracture, making it one of the leading causes of deadly pain and long-term disability in ageing people. Also, because of the poor healthcare infrastructure, facility, accessibility and lack of awareness, only 20% of patients with osteoporosis are getting diagnosed or treated.

The prevalence of osteoporosis in elderly female has been noticed more, after 5-7 year of menopause they tend to lose their bone density by 20%. To avoid any future complications in bone health, world osteoporosis day (WOD), with the help of concerned organizations and people around the world, creates awareness and encourages people to get an early diagnosis and check for bone density and act accordingly. Implementing a particular lifestyle and adhering to healthy food habits can help ensure healthy bones and prevent prolonged osteoporosis.

World Osteoporosis Day 2023 Theme

This year, 2023, the World Osteoporosis Day Theme is “Build Better Bones”, intending the significance of leading a bone-healthy lifestyle as the foundation for strong bones and fracture-free future.


Source: Text & Image:

14th Sunday of Year A – 2023

It is summertime and many people are longing for a break.
Some have been planning their vacation for a long time already.
Others have decided they’ll leave as a family for a ‘trip to nowhere’.
A few will be spending time at their chalet in the countryside.
All of them want to leave aside the usual routine and have a REST!

Surprisingly, the gospel text speaks precisely of this (Matthew 11:25-30).
Jesus himself invites us to experience true REST.
He tells us:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

God knows – he does indeed! – that we often feel wearied and burdened–
we really need a rest.
REST… from what?

From the burden of useless worry…
From the repeated efforts to prove ourselves…
From the constant feeling of having to perform…
From the painful memories surging so often from the past…
From the regrets of missed opportunities…
From the chores, the tasks, the duties demanding time, always more time…

It does not mean to give up the responsibilities we have freely accepted.
We are not to forget what we have committed ourselves to do for people who count on us.
We will not simply think only of ourselves and what we feel like, or desire.

It means that we will take on a new… ‘lifestyle’, if it can be put this way.
The gospel text adds:

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me”. 

This is the second part of Jesus’ invitation: to learn from him, taking on his ways, his ‘lifestyle’.
We may find – amazingly – that this takes away the stress as well as the self-centredness.
We go about daily living in a more relaxed fashion.
Life becomes lighter, freer, more enjoyable… restful!

It is worth a trial!…
Answering Jesus’ invitation is a good occasion to do this…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Images: (Uriel Mont)   (Ron Lach)   Proud to Be T J’S Man