
Greetings to each and everyone of you.

This section for English-speaking viewers –
and all those enjoying the culture –

has developed over the months and is now offering materials of all kinds:

texts, images, poems, videos, etc.

It will continue to provide you with rich contents week after week.


6th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2020

After nearly two months of confinement and of social distancing, some people are longing to see…
the light at the end of the tunnel.
With the daily statistics of the Coronavirus more often going up rather than down,
people themselves start feeling… down.

No wonder that we need to repeat and remind one another:

Do we really believe it?
Do we still HOPE that it will come true?

In today’s 2nd reading (1 P 3:15-18), the apostle Peter tells the first Christians:
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you
to give the reason for the hope that you have.
Do we still have hope and what kind of hope is ours?
We may try to make ourselves believe in better days but we soon find out that…
it does not always work.

What we need is the hope that comes from the promise given to us in today’s gospel message (Jn.14:15-21):

“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever… the Spirit…”
 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. I live, you also will live…”
“He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him.”
This is solid ground, this is reliable support, this is unfailing assistance:
it is indeed true HOPE.

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/6e-dimanche-de-paques-annee-a-2020/


Source: Image: King James Bible



5th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2020

In this period of pandemic, the prevailing mood of most people is not that of exuberant joy,
and this is an understatement.
Sadness, loneliness, and for some even hopelessness, characterize their days.
Downcast, dejected, discouraged, would describe many people.
In the first line of this Sunday’s gospel (Jn.14:1-12) Jesus says:
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. 
You believe in God; believe also in me.”
It seems so simple, too simple…
In life – and especially life nowadays – there are many reasons to be troubled.
Sickness, worry about a mortal virus, about money, about the situation of loved ones we cannot visit…
And worry about… death, of course.

We have been repeating to ourselves:
‘It will be fine. Together we will overcome’.
And to reassure ourselves we have displayed pictures of rainbows to assert our hope.
But, somehow, it does not always work…
The discouragement returns and sometimes tears run down the cheeks of this or that person.

Jesus says that we should NOT be troubled…
And he speaks from experience –

  • deserted by his followers (Jn.6:66)
  • abandoned by his close friends (Mt.26:56)
  • betrayed by one (Mt.26:15) and denied by another (Lc.22:54-62)
  • feeling distress and anguish (Lc.22:44; Mt.26:36)

Long ago, the author of the epistle to the Hebrews wrote to the first Christians:
“We do not have a High Priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities,
but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”
The temptation to say: ‘It’s too much. I can’t bear this any more.’
Yet… like an outstretched hand, help is there…
The help of his presence, his strength, his comfort, his relief…

You need not look for the hand, but HE is there!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/5e-dimanche-de-paques-annee-a-2020/


Source: Images: thechurchofchristoflatterdays.org Dreamstime.com








4th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2020 

The text of the gospel of this Sunday is well known (Jn.10:1-10).
Many people noticing the reference will think:
‘This is the gospel of the Good Shepherd.’
This is correct… to a certain extent.

In this section of the text, Jesus speaks of a shepherd in general.
He will present himself as THE shepherd in the verses following today’s text.
But in the text offered to us this Sunday, Jesus makes another affirmation,
less familiar, perhaps, yet revealing something of himself.

He says:
“Very truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep
Whoever enters by me will be saved,
and will come in and go out and find pasture.” 
A gate, a door, an entrance into somewhere.
A place that leads us from one area to another.
A threshold… an entry into another place, another space…

This is what Jesus is, what he wants to be for us.
He is there for us, with us, to enable us to… move on,
to pass from where we are to where we can become more as God wants us to be.

This is a message very appropriate for the period we live just now –
a period of pandemic due to the Coronavirus which upsets our lives and troubles our minds.
Could it be that God wants this time to be a time of grace –
a God-given time for us to pass from our ordinary lives to that which he has in store for us?

Jesus says it clearly:
“I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.”
NOW, more than ever!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/4e-dimanche-de-paques-annee-a-2020/


Source: Images: Unsplash






3rd Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2020

The scene of the disciples on the road to Emmaus, today’s gospel (Luke 24:13-35)
offers many interesting aspects for reflection.

One especially retains my attention; the text says:
“Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; 
but they were kept from recognizing him. »

Many writers have been speculating on the cause of this:
what was it that prevented the disciples from recognizing Jesus?
What caused them to be blind in this way, unable to see that the man walking with them was Jesus?

Different commentators have proposed different reasons.
As far as their explanations are concerned, the usual expression can be used:
‘On this matter, the jury is still out.’
In other words, nobody knows for sure! 

The reason why this verse keeps me thinking does not belong to exegesis.
It is more personal, much closer to ‘home’, one could say.
The question then becomes formulated in a different way,
and it is addressed to me directly:
‘What is it that prevents ME from recognizing Jesus in my own life?

What prevents me from perceiving Christ, the Risen Lord, present with me from day to day?
What is the cause if this unusual blindness,
this failure to be aware of the obvious presence –
even though hidden from the eyes of my body?

An impediment of what kind?
An obstacle of what sort?

Fear of seeing something within myself that I would prefer not to see?
Shame for something of the past which I do not want to acknowledge?
Inattention? Indifference?

Perhaps simply forgetfulness?
Whenever I walk alone on whatever road or path, perhaps I could find out?…

Note: A video presentation of this scene can be found at: https://youtu.be/4QwKU442-80

And another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/3e-dimanche-de-paques-annee-a-2020/


Source: Image: Catholic online

2nd Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2020

If we are to believe something, it must be credible.
If we are to believe someone, the person must be reliable.
One should not be naive, or gullible.
Faith demands some… requirements, does it not?

This is human logic, based on experience some will pretend.
The gospel text of this Sunday gives us to meet Thomas (Jn.20:19-31)
who seems to follow precisely this human logic.

Before agreeing to what the other apostles claim, he has to check it out!
Before accepting that Jesus is alive, he must see for himself – see and touch.
He wants to make sure…
So, he states very clearly, and in detail, his requirements… so that he can believe.

Putting requirements to… God!
Making sure that… God is what he says he is!
Is this not the attitude of some of us?

And the wonderful thing is that God does not scoff at our childish demands.
He does not walk away from us, or brush aside these requirements of ours.

He takes us where we are to lead us to where he wants us to be!
This is our God!

Note: A presentation of the gospel scene is offered in a video at: https://youtu.be/kp1eb-oBH6w
Another reflection is available in French on a different theme at: https://image-i-nations.com/2e-dimanche-de-paques-annee-a-2020/

Source: Image: churchofjesuschrist.org

Easter Sunday, Year A – 2020

What we see… what we do not see…
It is always like this in life, is it not?
We see certain things and we miss others.
We perceive certain realities while we cannot distinguish others.

The gospel text of this Easter Sunday made me realize this anew (Jn.20:1-9).
Peter and John come to the tomb where Jesus had been laid and…
they see the pieces of linen neatly folded and the cloth that had been around Jesus’ head also laid on the side.
But the person for whom these items had been used, they do not see.
Jesus’ body – this is what they were looking for – his body was not there.
The two apostles could not fathom that he, himself, could have been there.
They were looking for a corpse… they had to meet a living person!
They were looking for something, they were to encounter SOMEONE.

Their perception had to be transformed,
their vision had to be enlarged,
their understanding had to be deepened.

Is it not what EASTER is all about?
Seeing with eyes that go beyond appearances.
Perceiving with a mind that stretches beyond the obvious.
Understanding with a heart that is attuned to the depths of reality.

The Risen Lord can give all of this… from day to day…

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/dimanche-de-paques-annee-a-2020/


Source: Image: Unsplash






Good Friday, Year A – 2020

At the scene, when God is dying…

Some people reading this title may possibly be tempted to move on to another reflection.
They may want a text that is less… shocking.

At Christmas time, some were reluctant to pronounce the words: GOD IS BORN.
They found it less shocking in the text of John’s gospel: « The word was made flesh.” (Jn.1:14)
And yet… who is this WORD?

The very one we see nailed to the cross – God’s own Son, God himself.
God himself become one-of-us…

As he slowly, painfully, made his way to the place where he was to die,  different people were there to see him pass…
Some women lamenting, as was the custom, offering a compassionate presence to one condemned to death. (Lk.23-27)
A man called Simon, perhaps returning from his field – he was originally from Cyrene in North Africa. (Mt.27:32)
Tradition tells us that a woman named Veronica bravely approached Jesus to wipe his face covered with sweat and blood.

We can imagine Mary, his mother, and John, near the cross. (Jn.19:25-27)
The soldiers were there, of course, they had a job to do, they could not do otherwise. (Jn.19:23)
There were two other men also condemned to death – thieves we are told. (Mt.27:38)
The leaders of the Jews were present as well – at long last they had obtained what they wanted: to get rid of the Man of Nazareth. (Mk.15:31-32)

I am looking for some other people, but I cannot see them… Where are they?
The blind who can now see everything clearly.
The deaf and dumb who can hear and speak like you and me.
The paralytics no longer needing even a stick to walk.
The lepers freely joining a group without shame or fear to be sent away.
Where are they all?

God was dying… it was shocking.
The absence of those who should have been there was also shocking.
My absence would be no less so… if it means that I fail to understand that… he was dying for me.

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/vendredi-saint-annee-a-2020/


Source: Image: Unsplash

Holy Thursday, Year A – 2020

From one extreme to the other…

Typical of Peter, is it not? He passes from one extreme to the other!  (Jean ch.13)
He does not want Jesus to wash his feet, but then… he wants that his face and hands be washed as well!

Jesus tells Peter:
“You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.

And when he has washed the feet of all the apostles,
“Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them.

For the apostles – and for us – what is required is to understand… the ‘extreme’ of God!
“Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.”
Understanding a love that goes so much beyond human understanding –
So much greater, so much deeper, so much more personal, so much more compassionate.

SO MUCH . . . “to the end.”

Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/jeudi-saint-annee-a-2020/


Source: Image: Third Hour


Psalm Sunday, Year A – 2020

“Who is this man?”
The question is old…
In fact, it is over 2000 years old…

It comes at the last verse of this Palm Sunday gospel text (Mt.21:1-11).
People acclaim Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey –
they throw branches on the ground, they wave palms and they shout praises with joy.
But, some are puzzled and voice THE question:
“Who is this man?”
After the calming of the storm, the apostles were asking precisely this:
“Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mk.4:41)

They had heard people discussing among themselves saying:
« Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets. » (Mk.8:28)

The leaders of the Jews had asked him directly:
“Who are you?” (Jn.8:25)

Herod wanted to see him to make up his mind:
“Who is this I hear such things about?” (Lk.9:9)

Pilate wanted to know what Jesus had to say for himself:
« Are you the king of the Jews? » (Jn.18:33)

Years of exegetical research, centuries of theological reflection, a long list of Councils
have pondered over the very same question about… the Man-God, God-become-man…
Philosophers, historians, scientists, artists, believers and unbelievers alike,
all have asked… and they are still asking…

The question remains – now addressed to each one of us personally:
“Who is this man”… for me?


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/dimanche-des-rameaux-annee-a-2020/


Source: Image: crosswalk.com



5th Sunday of Lent, Year A – 2020


W A I T I N G !

I know very few people who like to… WAIT.
In general people do not like delays, postponements, adjournments.
Of course, this can mean a pause, a rest, but this is not what we want.
We are a generation where not only business but busy-ness is the order of the day!

But, if we think about it, a promise involves precisely this: waiting…
Being promised something means that we have to wait for it.
The realization of the promise will come later, it is to come true… in the future.
We will get what has been promised after a certain time, a period possibly unknown, unspecified.

And, this is true of… God’s promises!
We just do not see yet that they can come true… that they WILL come true…
We have to believe that they will.

Writing these words, I come back to the gospel of this Sunday (Jn.11:1-45).
“The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 
and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.”
“If you believe, you will see the glory of God.”
WILL live, WILL see, WILL never die – it is all to take place in the future,
it has definitely the form of a promise.

But the the wonderful thing is that the promises of God are… reality-in-the-making!
They are blessings-being-REALised!
As he was about to raise Lazarus, Jesus told his Father:
“I knew that you always hear me.”
FAITH should enable us to say the same… even while waiting…

Note: Another reflection is available in French on a somewhat different theme at: https://image-i-nations.com/5e-dimanche-du-careme-annee-a-2020/


Source: Images: Unsplash