image-i-nations trésor

15th Sunday of Year B – 2024

Rich, deep, and enlightening are the words I would use to describe the text of today’s 2nd reading (Ephesians 1:3-14).
Paul is writing to the first Christians of Ephesus, and he has much to tell them – much about God and much about themselves.

Reading again this long reflection, I find it a description of who a Christian is.
The words used by the apostle Paul reveal our true nature:

      – Before the world was made, the Father chose us to live through love in his presence.
      – He made us his adopted children.
      – He gave us this as a free gift.
      – Through Jesus we gain our freedom, the forgiveness of our sins.
      – He has let us know the mystery of his plan.
      – In Christ we are claimed as God’s own, chosen from the beginning.
      – Chosen to be people who put their hopes in Christ.
      – We have been stamped with the seal of the Holy Spirit.

As we live, from day to day, we may not often take the time to ponder this extraordinary reality.
If we did, the whole atmosphere that permeates our daily lives could be completely transformed.

Adoption by God, gift, freedom, forgiveness, hope…
More than enough to live with peace of mind, to live in serenity, relying on this God who claims us as his own,
“the Father who has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings of heaven”.


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at: 15è dimanche de l’année B -2024


Source: Image:

11th Sunday of Year B – 2024

The readings of our celebrations are many and they are rich in what they offer us.
The third reading – the gospel – brings us to Jesus himself, what he said and what he did.
Today’s last verse of the gospel has a message for us.
It tells us that Jesus spoke to his listeners in parables meant to make his words understood by them (Mark 4:26-34).

But this verse adds:
“When he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything to them”.

We may be tempted to envy them!
They lived daily in the presence of the Master.
He was there, always ready to explain his message to them and answer their questions.
When they failed to understand something that he had taught, they could ask him to speak about this again.

Yet… he is also with us…
Oh, not visible, of course, and his voice cannot be heard as yours and mine can be.
But his presence is no less real.
And we also have been given his promise –
the promise that his Spirit will remind us of what he said and make us understand his message (John 14:26).

Perhaps, what is needed is for us to take the time –
the time to sit quietly and listen again…

Listen to his words in the Bible…
Go for a walk in nature and listen to what he will silently inspire us…
Sit in our favorite corner of the garden where we can be by ourselves and remember what he told us already…

The remark of a neighbor…
A conversation with a friend…
The text of a book…
A priest’s homily…

All of these can be the way the Spirit will reach us today, and tomorrow, and…
And, suddenly, Christ’s message will take on a new meaning… an inspiration… for now, and later!


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Images: Scripture Images One Walk / With Jesus

31st Sunday of Year A – 2023

There are things we are told that we believe we know, yet…
We sometimes think that because we have heard something said many times, we understand them, but…

This could apply to… the word of God.
Writing to the early Christians of Thessalonica, the apostle Paul tells them (1 Th.2:7-9,13):

“When you received the word of God, which you heard from us,
you accepted it not as the word of men, 
but as what it really is, the word of God.”

Could Paul say the same from us?
It is good to ask ourselves:
When picking up the Bible to read a text, are we aware, really aware, of “what it really is” as Paul says?
When we hear a passage from Scripture being read to us, are we convinced that it is indeed “the word of God”?

In fact, the word of God is often written with a capital letter: Word of God,
with the meaning that it is Jesus himself, the Son of God, speaking to us.
It is not simply a printed text, not only words from a book, but God addressing us personally.

Of course, the texts have been written by human beings –
but human beings who placed themselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s own Spirit.

This changes the whole perspective – we are not considering texts, themes, or theories.
We are not reflecting about ideas, thoughts, or concepts…
We are meant to meet Someone addressing us directly!

And this Someone is God himself!
How different an experience this can be!…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image: One Walk ǀ with Jesus




27th Sunday of Year C – 2022

Most of us are in contact with many people every day.
We approach some of them spontaneously, considering them as friends.
Others, we keep our distance from them, we are not sure how we will be received.
There are some, we know that we will always be welcomed when knocking at their door.
Others, we would not go to them at any time, we feel we must choose the right moment.

What about God?
Do we approach him, spontaneously, without any hesitation?
Are we convinced that any moment is a good moment to ‘get in touch’ with him?
Or are we in doubt that we will be welcomed?
Are we afraid to go to him just as we are?

In today’s 2nd reading, we meet the apostle Paul writing to his friend Timothy (2 Timothy 1:6-8,13-14).
Some of his words can help us to ‘adjust’ our way of looking on to God – enabling us to come to him in a way that is ‘just’.

  • Just seeing him really as our Father.
  • Just accepting that we are his beloved children.
  • Just trusting him, truly.

Paul writes:
“God did not give us a spirit of fear
but power, and love, and self-control.”
It is sad to see how many people fear God, how may do not dare to come to him with the simplicity of a child.
They may think that they are sinners and are not worthy to approach him.
They forget that Jesus came precisely for sinners – he said it openly (


God never asked us to be worthy, he asks us to be confident in his mercy – that’s all!

Some of us have yet to REALize this basic and wonderful reality!
May it become REAL indeed!

The last line of the reading tells us how this is possible…
“…with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.”

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image: Oak Grove Church of Christ


Feast of Pentecost, Year C – 2022

In the Acts of the Apostles, we read that when Paul visited a community of Christians in Ephesus, he asked them:
“Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?”
They replied: “We were never even told there was such a thing as a Holy Spirit” (Acts 19:1-3).

So, as we see in the 2nd reading of today, Paul reminds the Christians of Rome of what is at the heart of our faith (Romans 8:8-17):
“The Spirit of God has made his home in you…
Everyone moved by the Spirit is a child of God.
The spirit you received is not the spirit of slaves bringing fear into your lives again;
it is the spirit of children, and it makes us cry out ‘Abba, Father!’ ”
An amazing reality!
We are people ‘inhabited’ by God himself.
We are his own children, sharing in his nature.
We can truly call him in a familiar way: “Father!”.

Trust, confidence, absence of fear – this should be the ‘atmosphere’ of our Christian life.
Spontaneity, security, serenity – this is the normal ‘ambience’ of a life lived of faith.

This does not mean that no problem or difficulty will be part of our ‘landscape’.
But it means that Someone is with us with God’s power to enable us to overcome whatever comes our way.

Jesus himself has said so to the apostles:

“I am sending down to you what the Father has promised…
You will be clothed with the power from on high” (Luke 24:49).

Someone is with us… Someone to rely upon…
The Feast of Pentecost is meant to remind us of this.


Note: Another reflection, on a different theme, is available in French at:


Source: Image: Facebook

Holy Thursday, Year C – 2022

Parents sometimes ask their children: “Do you understand?”
A teacher will ask the same question to a class of students.
A contractor may use the same words addressing workers at a building site.

« Do you understand? »

When, at the  Last Supper, Jesus asked this question from his apostles (John 13:1-15),
his voice must have carried a special accent and intensity.
He had just been washing their feet – he, their Master.
In spite of Peter’s objection, he had done this work usually done by a servant.

“Do you understand what I have done to you?”

The apostles may have thought they did, yet soon after, it was obvious that they had understood very little.
They would need their whole life, they would need, in fact, the help of the Holy Spirit to understand –
understand what God had done to them… through Jesus.

What if the question were addressed to us?…
We are, indeed, confronted to the same questioning day after day:
Do we understand what God does to us… for us?…

Do we understand the kind of God he is?
Do we understand what he has made us to be… and what he wants us to become?

Perhaps we, too, need the help of the Holy Spirit and…
the understanding may come to us all through our life.

Note: And another reflection, on a different theme, is available in French at:


Source: Image:   




15th Sunday of Year B – 2021

Many of us have collected, over the years, some pictures – photos of ourselves and our loved ones.
From time to time, we take out an album, or an envelope, where these souvenirs are safely kept.
We enjoy going through these mementoes and see what we looked like at different periods of our lives.

Do you have a picture of yourself as… a Christian, yes, as a follower of Christ?
I suppose that you wonder what this could be…

The different Bible texts that we are given to reflect upon each Sunday can serve this purpose:
to give us a picture of what a Christian looks like.
It happens that what is given to us to ponder over is absolutely… amazing!

Amazing because of what it says about God, yes, but amazing also because of what it tells us about ourselves!
The image of what a Christian is, what we are and what we have been made for.
It is the case with the 2nd reading of this Sunday where we find Paul’s words to the Ephesians (Eph.1:3-12). 

“The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us…
He chose us…
He determined that we should become his adopted sons (and daughters)…
He has let us know the mystery of his plan…
We were claimed as God’s own…
We have been stamped with the seal of the Holy Spirit…”
I look at the words, I read again each sentence, and I find it absolutely astonishing!
This is what we are meant to be… if only we accept it!

Some will exclaim: “It is too good to be true!”
I personally believe that, since God is involved, it is too good NOT to be true!”


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image: Twitter

Pentecost, Year B – 2021

Three readings offering 27 verses of texts, 6 verses of a Psalm, and added to all this, a poem-prayer, the Sequence, as a second Response!
Overwhelming riches – and overwhelming is the word!

How can one choose a theme?
How can we focus on a single verse, or topic, for reflection?
Of course, the Spirit is at the heart – no, he is THE heart – of today’s message.

What saint Paul writes to the Galatians in the 2nd reading (Gal.5:16-25) is what has retained my attention.

Since the Spirit gives us life,
let us walk under the guidance of the Spirit.”

Paul tells the first Christians that there are in us what he calls ‘tendencies’ – inclinations or dispositions –
that lead us into a way of being that is not what we are meant to be.
The apostle gives them 15 different names, no less! and he says clearly:
“There is a clash that prevents you from doing whatever you want.”
We know it from experience, very often we do not manage to master those tendencies,
we do not succeed in overcoming those inclinations.
So, we need to allow the Spirit to guide us on the way God wants us to follow.
He is the one who will enable us to be… reconciled with our best self!

So, Let us walk under the guidance of the Spirit,” indeed!
We might be astonished at the outcome of walking with this Companion!


Note: Another reflection on a different theme is available in French at:


Source: Image:

Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year C – 2019  

Some people ask themselves questions about God.
In fact, many people would want to know more about him –
know more, more clearly, more deeply.
But could it be that they miss some important revelation about him?

Revelation: showing clearly, removing what is covering something, making known.
Yes, God has been revealed to us but… he remains GOD –
we will never have achieved knowing him fully…

In the 2nd reading of today’s feast – that of the Holy Trinity –
writing to the first Christians of Rome (Rom.5:1-5), saint Paul tells them:

“Through Jesus we have entered this state of grace…
The love of God (the Father) has been poured into our hearts
by the holy Spirit which has been given to us.”
It is as if Paul, in a nutshell, is giving us – as well as the Roman Christians of long ago –
the meaning of today’s feast.

We are “In a state of grace”, in other words: we are blessed, we are privileged, ‘graced’ by God.
Thanks to Jesus who made it known to us, we can be assured that God is our Father
a Father who loves us more than we will ever understand.
This certainty is given to us by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God himself.

Some theological texts will speak of ‘the mystery of the Holy Trinity’.
Sad to say, some people conclude: a mystery is something we cannot understand
so we cannot understand the Holy Trinity!

A more accurate definition of a mystery is that it is something we have never finished understanding…
And what if… this ‘mysterious’ REALITY were the meaning of our daily life?
Yes, even in its seemingly most insignificant details!…

Note: Another reflection is available on a similar theme in French at:


Source: Image:



Feast of Pentecost, Year C – 2019

Week after week, Sunday after Sunday, we are given Scripture readings to ponder over.
Written in a language which is not the one of our daily conversations, it may happen that we do not grasp the full meaning of the texts.
It may also be that the truth they express is so wonderful that we wonder if we can rely on what we read or hear.
We may ask ourselves: “Are these words really meant for us as well as for the people of the past?”

The gospel of this feast of Pentecost (Jn.14:15-16,23-26) is one such texts that tell us something astonishing.
On the eve of his death, Jesus told his friends, the apostles:
« I shall ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate,
to be with you for ever, the Spirit of truth…
He will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you.”
I read these words, I repeat them to myself, and… I ask myself: 
‘Is it really true for me?
Am I convinced of this?
Do I rely on this amazing reality?’

The Father cannot fail to answer Jesus’ prayer – it is absolutely unthinkable.
On the other hand, we have been baptised and we have received the Holy Spirit.
He is with us, not for a time but “for ever”, Jesus assures us.

So, it means that we have… a private teacher, a very special tutor to help us understand and remember –
understand Jesus’ message and remember it as we live from day today.

What is missing then?
Perhaps only… the faith that it is so…
And the prayer, from the heart, asking to understand and to remember.

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image: