image-i-nations trésor

31st Sunday of Year A – 2023

There are things we are told that we believe we know, yet…
We sometimes think that because we have heard something said many times, we understand them, but…

This could apply to… the word of God.
Writing to the early Christians of Thessalonica, the apostle Paul tells them (1 Th.2:7-9,13):

“When you received the word of God, which you heard from us,
you accepted it not as the word of men, 
but as what it really is, the word of God.”

Could Paul say the same from us?
It is good to ask ourselves:
When picking up the Bible to read a text, are we aware, really aware, of “what it really is” as Paul says?
When we hear a passage from Scripture being read to us, are we convinced that it is indeed “the word of God”?

In fact, the word of God is often written with a capital letter: Word of God,
with the meaning that it is Jesus himself, the Son of God, speaking to us.
It is not simply a printed text, not only words from a book, but God addressing us personally.

Of course, the texts have been written by human beings –
but human beings who placed themselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s own Spirit.

This changes the whole perspective – we are not considering texts, themes, or theories.
We are not reflecting about ideas, thoughts, or concepts…
We are meant to meet Someone addressing us directly!

And this Someone is God himself!
How different an experience this can be!…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image: One Walk ǀ with Jesus




4th Sunday of Lent, Year A – 2023

From the very beginning, human beings have wanted to be like God (Genesis 3:5).
But it is only gradually that we learn the way to become like him.
One thing we especially need to learn is: TO SEE AS GOD SEES.

This is the message of today’s 1st reading (1 Samuel 16:1,6-7,10-13):
“God does not see as man sees;
man looks at appearances, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
People looking at others can be attracted by beauty.
They can be fascinated by skill.
They can be interested in wealth.
People can be put off by infirmity.
They can be disappointed by weakness.
They can be misled by timidity.

But these are simply attributes that are not the person himself, or herself.
What defines a human being is something much deeper.

The thoughts and the intentions.
The values and the beliefs.
The actions and the reactions.
The interventions to help.
The intercession to free another.
The mediation to bring peace.
And so much more…

God sees all this and more…
And he invites us to look also at all that is hidden in the… more.

Then, we will avoid:
          the hasty judgements,
          the unfair criticisms,
          the wrongful accusations,
          the mistaken condemnations.

All that leads to misunderstanding, hostility, conflict, enmity, war –
this can be prevented, or at least alleviated, if we only… SEE.
SEE the good will and the efforts of others…

If we only learn, from day to day, to see as God sees…
Note: In the following video, Laiju Panikassery personifies the Man born-blind and tells us of his meeting with the Man of Nazareth:

Another reflection is available, in French, on a different theme, at:


Source: Image: