Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year A – 2023

Most people want to know God. People of all ages and situations, of various background and experiences, try to discover if there is a God and… If such a being exists, who is he? Some specialists publish what they know about God. Theologians and scripture scholars present what they have found about him. Their language…

5th Sunday of Lent, Year C – 2019

This gospel scene of the woman caught committing adultery is presented in a manner at once vivid and truly inspiring (Jn.8:1-11). There is even (for those who would not know the story) a touch of… suspense! About this text, spiritual writers and Bible exegetes have published many articles and commentaries. Yet, there is one aspect…

Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year A

If you mention the word ‘TRINITY’ to a group of theologians, or to some Scripture scholars, they will probably give you some lengthy explanations. Exegetes, theology professors, spiritual authors will probably do the same. Definitions and explanations, are their domain. Expounding on concepts and themes is very much part of their expertise.  Strangely enough, if…