image-i-nations trésor

Palm Sunday, Year B – 2024

The scene of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey is rich in colorful details.
Bible commentators and spiritual writers, each picks up the aspect of the text which he/she finds deserves more attention.

Just now, one point strikes me – it is expressed in the first part of the narrative in Mark’s gospel (Mark 11:1-10).
Jesus tells the two apostles he is sending:

“Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it,
you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden.
Untie it and bring it here.
If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’
say, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly’.”

The same scene of Jesus entering Jerusalem is  reported also by the evangelist Luke (Luke 19:39-40).

He has recorded a detail not mentioned by the other writers –
it is about the reaction of the Pharisees to the shouts of acclaim of the people welcoming Jesus.

“Some Pharisees in the crowd said to him, ‘Master, check your disciples’.
But he answered, ‘I tell you, if these keep silence the stones will cry out’.”

Amazing how people can put objections to… God.
And we can sometimes be among such people!

In the first instance, Jesus had, in fact, foreseen the objection – he warns his apostles about it.
In the second case, he replies to the Pharisees with his usual aplomb –
a self-assurance his opponents do not appreciate!

At the beginning of the Holy Week, it may be appropriate to reflect on our own… objections to God…

– When some situations suggest that God may expect this, or that, from us…
– When, through certain events, God calls us to reappraise some of our choices…
– When, through people around us, God invites us to make a courageous decision…
– When a gentle but persuasive inner voice inspires us to follow a certain path…

Do we offer God objections that we judge valid and reasonable?
Do we try to cleverly escape God’s challenge presenting him with good reasons not to answer his desire?

Perhaps, as Mark’s gospel states:
‘The Lord needs this…’


Note: In the following video (in French), Diane Dargis pursues the reflection on this scene at:

Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:

Source: Images: (Dmitriy Serafin)        FreeBibleimages

Journée mondiale contre le cancer – 4 février

Journée mondiale contre le cancer: 40% des cancers pourraient être évités en adoptant un mode de vie plus sain!

À l’occasion de la Journée mondiale contre le cancer, célébrée le 4 février, le ministère de la Santé, en collaboration avec la Fondation Cancer, lance une nouvelle campagne d’information et de sensibilisation afin de susciter l’intérêt et la mobilisation de chacun autour de meilleurs comportements au quotidien.

La campagne 2019, parrainée par l’ancien joueur de tennis professionnel Gilles Muller, met un accent fort sur la prévention. À côté du dépistage précoce, la prévention joue un rôle primordial dans la lutte contre le cancer. En adoptant des modes de vie sains – avec en premier lieu, le refus du tabac et la consommation modérée de l’alcool et en favorisant une alimentation saine et activité physique régulière – 40% des cancers pourraient être évités.

De son côté, la Fondation Cancer offre plusieurs services gratuits en termes de prévention comme le Food Lab, Comment devenir non-fumeur ou encore le FiTeam.

La Fondation Cancer mettra également en avant, dans les prochaines semaines, la thématique « Comment réagir face à un collègue atteint du cancer? ».

Face à toutes les émotions provoquées par la maladie et à la complexité de l’approche, la Fondation délivrera des suggestions et des réponses ciblées lors de conférences au sein des entreprises. En effet, le diagnostic de cancer ne concerne pas seulement la personne malade mais l’ensemble de son entourage social. Les effets se ressentent jusqu’au niveau professionnel. Pour répondre à cette problématique, la Fondation Cancer a élaboré un dossier spécial pour mieux appréhender ces relations intra-professionnelles

Source : Texte (extraits) :   Communiqué 01.02.2019  Image :   « Le cancer : espoir et défis – Déjeuner-causerie : projet Leucégène at Institut de recherche en immunologie et en cancérologie, Montréal »


4th Sunday of Easter, Year A

If I pronounce the words: ‘The voice’, probably quite a few people will think of the television programme by this name.
One characteristic of the programme is that those who are to judge the performers do not see them – they only hear, yes, their voices.

This came to my mind when reading the gospel of this 4th Sunday of Easter (Year A, Jn.10:1-10).
One verse of the text says precisely:

“The shepherd goes in front of them and the sheep follow
because they know his voice.”
We know that – figuratively speaking, of course – we are the sheep that the Lord is leading, his followers.
But, could he say the same of us?…
Could he say that we know his voice?

Do we recognize it?
Can we identify this sound of his, calling us…
Trying to gain our attention, speaking to us personally…
And that, in the midst of so many other voices reaching us through the day?

The voices of our relatives demanding our help or giving us advice…
That of our friends and neighbours asking for assistance or offering suggestions…
The sounds of our colleagues coaxing us into doing, or not doing something…
And… the inner voices that have become part of our personality – that of our values, convictions, or… prejudices…
And, of course, the ever-present voices of publicity, propaganda, persuasive as they are…
So many voices!

What about HIS own – is it drowned in all of the surrounding sounds, becoming hardly a whisper?…
True – like the judges of the television programme – we do not, we cannot, see him.

Yet, he keeps on providing us with inspiration and guidance.
His voice… with his unique accent – altogether caring, comforting, challenging…
Could he really say that WE know his voice?

Source: Image: NCB Blog