
Greetings to each and everyone of you.

This section for English-speaking viewers –
and all those enjoying the culture –

has developed over the months and is now offering materials of all kinds:

texts, images, poems, videos, etc.

It will continue to provide you with rich contents week after week.


8th Sunday of Year C

Did you notice it : nowadays, on many products there is an ISO code?
These letters identify the International Organization for Standardization.
It is the mention of ‘quality control’ for this item.
It has become compulsory for producers and companies to label clearly that a given object has been checked and tested and that it is up to the required standard.

What about… our lives?
The 1st reading (Ben Sira 27:4-7) and the gospel of this Sunday (Lk.6:39-45), both texts invite us to do exactly this: 
to check the quality of our lives.
With a simple example – that of a tree and its fruit – 
we are told to test what is the present state of our being and behaving.
One aspect is especially stressed: our speech, yes, the words we utter.

Chatting is an interesting… occupation.
Exchanging information and news can be enjoyable.
Gossiping can be even more so, quite entertaining but… perhaps not altogether innocent.

Spreading what is called nowadays ‘fake news’ can be quite destructive.
The passing on of information which is more disinformation than accurate content can even be lethal.
Even what some would call simple humoristic jokes may have negative consequences.

Lying, backbiting, slander, calumny – they are all definitely rotten fruit.
It goes without saying that none of them should be found in the garden of our lives.

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/8e-dimanche-de-lannee-c-2019/

Source: Image: Pinterest

7th Sunday of Year C

If you were to ask me what I find most difficult, near… impossible, in living as a Christian,
my answer would come without hesitation: to forgive our enemies.
Our enemies or… those we believe are such!

It is already difficult, sometimes very difficult, to forgive our friends!
And we are asked to forgive those who are against us,
those who intend to hurt us or have done so already.

The 1st reading of this Sunday (1 Sam.26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23) shows us  
someone who has done this in an amazing way.
We meet David who is fleeing before King Saul who wants to kill him.
David is given a unique opportunity to destroy the man who wants him dead.
One of his companions intends to do exactly this but David refuses.

He spares his enemy, not out of fear, but he is convinced that he should not touch
« the one who has been anointed by the Lord.”

This takes place many centuries before Jesus coming into our world
and telling us to love our enemies.
Near to impossible for us? Yes, at times really.
But, precisely, we are not asked to do it on our own.
In fact, only God’s help can enable us to do this.
But his help is always offered…

There is an inspiring story about Nelson Mandela who, coming out of prison, was asked:
“How can you forgive those who have treated you so badly for so many years?”
Mandela replied: “If I did not forget, I would still be a prisoner.”

Note: A short video is offered on this theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/ca-ca-minterpelle-8e-episode/

Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/7e-dimanche-de-lannee-c/

Source: Images: keyway.ca  JesusWalk   abcnews.go.com



6th Sunday of Year C

It is said that our society is one where immediate gratification is the order of the day.
People want success, money, fame, NOW.
Satisfaction must be obtained without delay and preferably without too much effort.
One can’t wait to possess and to enjoy whatever will satisfy one’s desires.

In the 2nd reading today (1 Cor.15:12,16-19), Paul addresses the Corinthians and speaks a language that is very different.
He boldly says: If our hope in Christ has been for this life only, we are the most unfortunate of all people.”
Words quite strange to our modern ears. 
They are in sharp contrast with the popular attitude in fashion nowadays.
We are to take… the long view!
We must look beyond the here-and-now to envisage the hereafter…

The present situation may have much to offer yet it can never satisfy fully –
have we not made this experience time and again?
Our human DNA is programmed with the desire for always more, always better, always…

It would appear that Paul is right after all: HOPE is for what is yet to come!
And… the best it promises to be!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/6e-dimanche-de-lannee-c/

Source: Image: heartlight.org


World Day of the Sick – 11 February

About World Day of the Sick

Pope John Paul II initiated the day in 1992 to encourage people to pray for those who suffer from illness and for their caregivers. The Pope himself had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s a year before, in 1991, and it is considered that his own illness was impetus for his designation of the day.

World Day of the Sick was first observed on February 11, 1993. February 11 is also the Catholic Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, which a name is given to the Virgin Mary in honor of the apparitions that were said to have been seen in and around Lourdes, France, by a young girl called Bernadette Soubirous. The Church canonized Bernadette as a saint several years later.

Did You Know?

Pope Benedict XVI declared his decision to resign from his post as the Pope on this day in 2013. He cited his failing health as the reason behind his decision.


Source: Text: timeanddate.com   Image: Unsplash

5th Sunday of Year C – 2019

This Sunday’s readings present us a tableau, so to speak, in three parts.
It gives us the picture of three men: 
Isaiah, (Is.6:1-8) 
the apostle Paul, (1 Cor.15:1-11) 
Simon (Lk.5:1-11) who was to become Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. 

Though they lived many centuries apart, they have one thing in common: they saw themselves as they were!
This may seem a strange characteristic but it is no small achievement in our world of… image-making where people show off trying to impress others!…

Isaiah says to God: “What a wretched state I am in, I am a man of unclean lips.”
Paul confesses openly: “I am the least of the apostles, I hardly deserve the name apostle.”
Simon begs Jesus: “Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man.”

Yes, they saw themselves as they were but… what they saw was not the full picture!
It needed to be corrected, to be… enhanced, could we say, and by God himself!

To Isaiah, the angel said: “Your sin is taken away.”
Paul recognises: “The grace that God gave me has not been fruitless.”
Jesus assures Peter: “Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch.”
It may be a worthwhile exercise to go through the same experience:

  • Have an honest look at ourselves
  • Try to give ourselves a just appraisal and…
  • Let God do the adjustments and corrections he sees fit.

The final picture may be most encouraging !

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/5e-dimanche-de-lannee-c-2019/

Source: Images: theodisseyonline.com cursillos.ca   Free Bible Images

World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking – 8 February

Time to end slavery

Pope Francis has declared the feast of St Josephine Bakhita, which is celebrated each year on 8th February to be the World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking.

St Josephine Bakhita is the patron saint of victims of slavery and of Sudan. Australians are being urged to work together, through grass roots action and corporate governance, to end slavery around the world. (…)

It is estimated that millions of women, girls, men and boys are trafficked annually into domestic servitude, sexual exploitation, pornography production, forced marriage and forced labour.

“These forms of exploitation flourish because of society’s greed for cheap goods and services and because it is easy to forget that those who meet these needs are human beings with their own innate God-given dignity,” the Bishop of Parramatta, Vincent Long Van Nguyen, wrote.

Source: Text: www.cathnews.com   Image: www.renate-europe.com

4th Sunday of Year C

“Now we are seeing a dim reflection in a mirror ;
but then we shall be seeing face to face.” (1 Cor.13:12 – 2nd reading)

It is said and repeated.
It is claimed and proclaimed.
It is promised and published …

But, do we believe this?
It is so astonishing!

It is announced and assured…
It is taught and sung…
It is preached and explained…

But can we accept this?
It is so amazing!

We hear it.
We read it.
We say it…

But can we receive this?
It is so overwhelming!

One day, we will SEE GOD face à face.
This is what he meant from the beginning.
This is what we are meant for… one day!

For now: We… Believe – Accept – Receive… in hope!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/4e-dimanche-de-lannee-c-2/

Source: Image: videoblocks.com

3rd Sunday of Year C

There are many things we do out of habit – it is our custom to perform this or that action.
We are so used to behaving in a certain way that we do those things somehow without thinking much about it.

But there are other situations when it is not the case, we hesitate, we reflect before taking a course of action.
We ponder, we look at this and that other aspect of a gesture, a response, a decision.
If asked about it, we may reply that we need to understand what is involved.
We need to make sense of something.

This need to understand lies deep within us.
We search for meaning, we try to discover the sense of what something is about,
what WE are about, in fact.

This came to me as I read the 1st reading of this Sunday (Ne.8:2-6,8-10).
There we hear of the Jews gathered to listen to God’s message to them in the Law.
We are told:

“Ezra read from the Law of God, translating and giving the sense,
so that the people understood what was read.”
Receiving the understanding of the word of God – this is what we are meant to do. 
Not only listening, not solely hearing, not purely accepting as a matter of fact.
But understanding, deepening, making our own God’s message.

Nothing less will satisfy our need for making sense –
making sense of life, of our human existence, of… God himself!
God: what he is, what he wants to be for each one of us…

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/3e-dimanche-de-lannee-c-2/

Source: Image: Pixabay

2nd Sunday of Year C

A catastrophe! A crisis! A disaster! A disgrace!
A joyful celebration has turned into a shameful situation: no more wine at the wedding feast.

Of course, the story of today’s gospel (Jn.2:1-12) is well-known to us and we are familiar with its happy ending.
But let us suppose for a moment that the conclusion is yet hidden from us.
What could be called the ‘process’, or the development, of the situation would appear quite astonishing.

Mary informs Jesus of the unfortunate happening but he does not seem keen to intervene.
However, Mary approaches the servants and tells them:
“Whatever he may say to you, do it.”
She must have made it clear to them that she was referring to her son.
Amazingly, the servants will do exactly what Jesus tells them.
And it is amazing indeed.
The six large containers of about 34 liters each were meant to contain water, not wine.
And the water was to be used for the ablutions of the guests who were joining the feast, not to serve… wine!

We can imagine the surprise, the utter astonishment of the servants drawing from the jars what they were surely expecting to be… water!
Jesus was not known as a ‘miracle worker’… yet – John says this intervention was Jesus’ first sign.
So his credentials as either a prophet, or a man of unusual power, were not yet established.

The servants may have been doubtful… hesitant… reluctant… to do as they were told.
In fact, they may have wondered if people would not laugh at them…
Yet, they did, yes, they did what Jesus told them to do.

There are other situations where WE are concerned…

We may be doubtful… hesitant… reluctant… to do as we feel God expects us to do.
What is the outcome of the ‘process’ of OUR discernment?

Note: Another reflection on a different theme is available in French at:  https://image-i-nations.com/2e-dimanche-de-lannee-c-2/

Source: Image: curvetube.com

Baptism of the Lord, Year C

During the Christmas season, we have been exchanging gifts of all kinds. Gifts – small ones and bigger ones, ordinary and more unusual, wrapped in colourful paper and ribbons.

Some of them have brought delight, others we may have politely shown pleasure at receiving them but… we may have found them useless – either too big or too small in size, or definitely not to our liking. On the other hand, some gifts which we especially liked may soon be damaged, we will be sorry to see them broken or lost.

During that period, we have also received gifts… from God! Did you not include them on your list of… ‘things’ received? Well, in fact… they are not of the ‘thing category’ but, when giving blessings and favours, God gives HIMSELF.

In the 2nd reading of today’s feast: the Baptism of our Lord, Paul reminds his friend Titus (Titus 3:4-7) that God has given us his own Spirit:

“the Holy Spirit which he has so generously poured over us through Jesus.” 

God’s Spirit is his own gift to us and it will never be taken away, disappear, or be damaged.

When writing to the first Christians of Rome, Paul assured them: “God never takes back his gifts.” (Rom.11:29)

So, we have a most precious gift, totally ours, fully answering our needs and hopes, for all of 2019 and… for ever!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/?p=12952


Source: Image: sec-gobiemorgen-rmi.blogshpot.com