image-i-nations trésor

Use Your Common Sense Day – 4 November

Use Your Common Sense Day is observed annually on November 4, since common sense is an important tool for living life. Common sense is “the applied knowledge of simple, sensible things”, such as not putting metal into microwaves or jumping into rivers without knowing what is under the water. This date also marks the birthday of Will Rogers — the man who remarked “Common Sense ain’t that common”! We need to remind ourselves of the importance of applying common sense to our everyday lives and decisions to avoid unnecessary dangers and make the most of opportunities! In the social media age, this is a pet peeve of many — that common sense seems to have fallen by the wayside. There are even calls for subjects stimulating common sense in the school curriculums in the U.S. because so few seem to employ it!


Common sense as a concept is ancient, first being brought to the limelight by the great philosopher, Aristotle. He described it as the ability with which animals (including humans) process sense perceptions, memories, and imagination to reach many types of judgments. To his thinking, only humans have real reasoned thinking, which takes them beyond common sense. This was then carried forward in the Roman interpretation, which holds that concepts like ideas and perceptions are held by man and make them more sophisticated than animals.

French philosopher, René Descartes, established the most common modern meaning, and its controversies, when he stated that everyone has a similar and sufficient amount of common sense, but it is rarely used well.

Since the Age of Enlightenment, the term “common sense” has been used for a rhetorical effect both approvingly, as a standard for good taste, and source of scientific and logical axioms.

In modern times, common sense is defined as ‘the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live reasonably and safely”. Without any doubt, applying common sense could save one a lot of problems.

Common Sense Day was created by Bud Bilanich, a career mentor, motivational speaker, blogger, and author. He’s starred in some leading TV shows and magazines and has written 19 books that highlight how to succeed in life, and how the application of common sense is vital to that success. Common Sense Day was first celebrated in 2015.


Source: Text:    Image: iStock

33rd Sunday of Year C – 2019

People sometimes say that poets and prophets have a way with words.
This expression means that poets and prophets have the gift of stirring up our imagination.
They offer us… visions!
Yes, they enable us to see things we had not perceived, or to see familiar things in a new way.

This is the case with Prophet Malachi that we meet in the 1st reading of today’s celebration (Mal.3:20 or, 4:2)
His message offers us the image, more still, the promise of God’s coming to us.
Coming to us like the welcome warmth of the sun – a sun that brings HEALING. 
“The sun of righteousness will rise
with healing in its wings.”

Healing… who among us does not need it?
Healing of some physical condition that causes suffering for too long…
Healing of some psychological trait of our personality that can be made less disturbing…
Healing of some memories of the past that are crippling our present…
Healing of some addiction that enslaves us and distorts our relationships with people…

It is offered to us, offered by the One who is always ready to heal in a way beyond expectation,
beyond even what the wildest imagination can suggest.

And, long ago, he has promised:
“Whoever comes to me I will never drive away. (Jn.6:37)
It is a promise, HIS promise.

Note: Another reflection is offered on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image:



5th Sunday of Easter, Year C – 2019  

Nowadays, technology has changed things, of course.
But at the end of the year, in the not-so-distant past, we used to see such advertisement in the doors of shops.
Business was temporarily stopped to make a list of the remaining commodities and see what needed to be bought for the coming year.
New stocks were ordered, or not renewed, according to the outcome of this important activity: an inventory.
And, for this operation, the shop was CLOSED.

Strangely enough, this memory came back to me with the text of the 1st reading of this Sunday (Acts 14:21-27).
Speaking of Paul and Barnabas, the last verse tells us:

“They assembled the church and gave an account of all that God had done with them.”
To me this is an invitation to… make an inventory of a special kind with the clear sign: OPEN!
Open our awareness,
open the treasure of our memories,
open our daily experience, to uncover what is hidden there!

Have you ever made such an inventory – of all that God has done with you?
All that God has done in you, for you, through you…
I think that you may be quite surprised with the outcome.
It may be an experience providing you with some astonishing discovery.
And it may give you much encouragement…

All too often, we take for granted much of what God does for us and, yes, with us.
This Sunday may be a good occasion to have a look again at our daily life and activities and…
see from a different perspective what may lie behind the obvious.
A rewarding exercise of… ‘stock taking’!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:

Source: Images: Owler   Pexels

Holy Thursday, Year A

Memory… Memories…
Personal… Shared… Cherished… Sometimes surprising… Precious…

Our memory is an important part of ourselves.
It can bring back to us forgotten experiences.
It can recapture the sights and sounds of long-past events.
It can place before our mind’s eye the faces of loved ones.

At times, some people will tell us: “Remember me tomorrow; I have an appointment with the doctor…”
Others will ask: “Think of me, remember I have a job interview next week…”
They may not openly request that we pray for them –
nowadays they will speak more in terms of ‘good vibes’, or ‘positive thoughts’.
What they want, in fact, is that we remain ‘connected’ with them!

Today, Jesus asks us for this: “Do this in memory of me = Remember me…” (Lk.22:19)

People create special days of ‘commemoration’ for special events.
The one that first comes to mind is November 11th called precisely: Remembrance Day.
On that day, we remember those who have given their lives for the freedom of their country
and peace in the world.

We could say that today is indeed: Remembrance Day par excellence –
we remember what God himself, yes, God-made-man, has done for us,
for our liberation, for our lasting peace.

Source: Image:


man thinking rememberingWe celebrated Remembrance Day yesterday. November is really the month of memories when souvenirs come back to us, one by one, or many of them all at once.

Poets and writers meditate on this theme and share their thoughts with us.

looking remembering

Most things are forgotten over time. Even the war itself, the life and death struggle people went through is now like something from the distant past.
We’re so caught up in our everyday lives that events from the past are no longer in orbit around our minds.
There are just too many things we have to think about every day, too many new things we have to learn.
But still, no matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away.
They remain with us forever, like a touchstone. »  Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore