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World Braille Day – 4 January

Every year on January 4th, World Braille Day reminds us of the importance of accessibility and independence for those who are blind or visually impaired.

About 36 million people around the world are blind. By 2050, the number of people diagnosed with blindness is predicted to rise to 115 million. Those who are blind or who have severe vision impairments face many challenges in life. Some of these challenges include navigating new environments, using a computer, handling cash, and arranging clothes.

Blind people have ways to successfully deal with many of these situations. In today’s world, advanced technology and voice activation make a blind person’s life much more manageable. But one invention, in particular, has helped countless numbers of blind people. This invention is called braille and it was developed nearly 200 years ago. Braille gives blind people the ability to read and even write letters. The system consists of raised dots that form letters and words which are read by touch.

Louis Braille

Louis Braille invented the reading system of raised dots in 1824. Born on January 4, 1809, in France, Louis would lose his sight after an accident in his father’s harness shop at the age of three. He would later attend the National Institute for Blind Children in Paris. There, his interest in music would benefit him when at the age of 10 he would meet Charles Barbier, a captain in Napolean’s army. The captain taught the students about a communication code using dots called Night Writing. Combining his knowledge of music and the inspiration of code communication, Louis Braille invented a 6 dot fingertip reading system when he was only 15 years old.

Louis died in 1852, two years before France’s Royal Institute for the Blind Youth adopted a braille curriculum. By 1916, schools in the United States were teaching braille to their blind students.


Source: Text & Image:

Saviez-vous que?…

Le saviez-vous?…

La Bible est disponible dans 648 langues et 44 de ces traductions offrent la Bible complète en Braille.

La United Bible Societies (UBS) a des membres dans plus de 200 pays et territoires.

On estime que l’an dernier 61 traductions ont été faites pour la Bible en son entier ou pour certaines sections de ce livre; ces traductions récentes sont celles en certaines langues parlées au Burkina Faso, au Cameroun, en Ouganda et en Zambie ainsi que pour certains groupes ethniques de l’Inde et de Myanmar.

Source: Texte traduit et adapté: The Tablet, 6 May 2017  Images: Rebekah R. Jones;

Journée mondiale du braille – 4 janvier

Pour célébrer la naissance de Louis Braille, le 4 janvier a été déclarée Journée Mondiale du Braille en 2001. Cette journée est l’occasion de souligner le handicap dont souffrent les aveugles et les mal-voyants, mais aussi de rappeler l’existence du braille, un alphabet tactile.

Braille, qui n’est pas né aveugle mais qu’il l’est devenu très jeune suite à un accident, améliore un système d’écriture déjà mis à place par Charles Barbier appelé sono-graphie. Le système de Barbier se basait uniquement sur les sons, ne prenant pas en compte l’orthographe, la ponctuation, les signes mathématiques… Insatisfait, Braille met en place son propre code alphabétique construit uniquement à partir de 2 rangées de 3 points, permettant 64 combinaisons comprenant l’alphabet, les accents, la ponctuation, les caractères musicaux…

L’alphabet braille est rapidement adopté car nettement supérieur au système précédent.

L’actualité n’est pas toujours souriante, loin s’en faut, alors quand un film met en scène de si belle façon un sujet délicat comme la perte de la vue, ne boudons pas notre plaisir.

Le coeur en Braille est un film de Michel Boujenah sorti au cinéma en décembre 2016. Il raconte l’histoire d’une jeune fille qui devient aveugle et se lie d’amitié avec un jeune garçon alors que tout les oppose… mais on ne vous en dira pas plus, allez le voir !

Un site à visiter :   Source: Texte & Image: Journée Mondiale

World Braille Day – 4 January

The History of World Braille Day
Louis Braille, the inventor of braille, was born in France on January 4th, 1809. Blinded in both eyes in an accident as a child, Braille nevertheless managed to master his disability while still a child.

Despite not being able to see at all, he excelled in his education and received scholarship to France’s Royal Institute for Blind Youth. During his studies, inspired by the military cryptography of Charles Barbier of the French Army, he developed a system of tactile code that could allow the blind to read and write quickly and efficiently.

Braille presented the results of his hard work to his peers for the first time in 1824 when he was just fifteen years f age. In 1829, he published his first book about the system he had created, called “Method of Writing Words, Music, and Plain Songs by Means of Dots, for Use by the Blind and Arranged for Them”.

The braille system works by representing the alphabet letters (and numbers) in a series of 6 dots paired up in 3 rows. The simplicity of his idea allowed books to start being produced on a large scale in a format that thousands of blind people can read by running their fingertips over the dots. Thanks to this, blind students have the opportunity to be educated alongside their peers as well as read for pleasure just as easily as any seeing person can.

Source: Text & Image: DaysoftheYear