image-i-nations trésor

1st Sunday of Advent, Year B

Many of us will have heard the words of a friend calling on his friend : “Wake up! I am talking to you!”
Or, someone addressing a colleague with insistence: “Wake up! I am speaking to you about something important.”
In both cases, what we hear is a ‘wake up call’, literally so.

In some way, we could say that such a ‘wake up call’ is one of the main themes of the Advent period starting today.
A message is addressed to us inviting us to come out of our slumber – mental and spiritual – and to pay attention to what is happening around us and within us too.

In today’s gospel (Mk. 13:33-37), it is Jesus himself who tells us: “Stay awake”!
And addressing his twelve friends, he adds:

“What I say to you I say to all: ‘Stay awake’.”
There is a word that, in form and in meaning, is quite similar to the word awake;
It is the word: ‘aware’.
It is good to look at them together and find there the deep meaning of this season of Advent.
In is a time when we should be especially aware – aware of what is taking place around us, aware of what is happening within us.

Aware of God’s message coming to me every day through events and people.
Aware of what I live from day to day, compared to what I would like to live.
Aware of what I do, which may be quite different from what I know I should be doing.
Aware of how I relate to others, and getting to realize that my relationships could be more mutually enriching.

Aware also of what could happen… if only we allow God to reach us and walk with us!
He who chooses the amazing option of becoming a human being like us!
Aware of how close, or how far, I am from him who wants me to live more intimately with him.

Advent: Awake and Aware: the attitude characteristic of this graced season.

Source: Image:

Note: Another reflection is available in French on a different theme at:

and a video presentation can be seen at:

Christmas, C

CHRISTMAS, a time to rejoice and to celebrate. We somehow move a short distance away from our routine tasks and daily activities. We try to take time – time to reflect, time to look at things, situations, and people, in a different way. Strange, but it seems that those very things, situations and people that are part of our daily lives suddenly take on, is it a glow? Or a meaning? that was not there before… It is as if things around us now have a special quality, a special depth, drawing our attention, perhaps even our admiration.

NativityReflecting on this, I started looking at the texts of the Christmas liturgy. Different aspects struck me: the light, the simplicity, the newness, the peace, that a birth – THE birth – of this God-Child brought into our world. It happened long ago, but the effect is enduring, permanent!

Then, one short text came to my mind. It stood out, not of those beautiful Christmas readings, but it appeared suddenly from the often-repeated ritual of the daily Eucharistic celebration. The words are spoken by the priest when he addresses us, saying: « The Lord is with you. »

A new meaning dawned on me and I know that, when I hear these words during the Christmas celebration, I will be tempted to reply: « HE IS ! » « Yes, indeed, HE IS, ‘GOD-WITH-US’! »

This is in fact, the meaning of all that happens during this season, what people call « the reason for the season »! It is announced at the very beginning of the gospel of Luke and it is confirmed at the end of the gospel of Matthew by that Child who has become a man who promises: « Behold, I am with you until the end of time! » (Mt.28:20) This is Christmas for me…
