image-i-nations trésor

Easter Sunday, The Resurrection of the Lord, Year B – 2024

 Seeing… Understanding… Believing…
The gradual process of perception…
The slowly evolving recognition…
The graced-filled experience of FAITH!

The text offered to our reflection on this Easter Sunday (John 20:1-9)
is an interesting one – interesting and inspiring!
Interesting in that it is linked to the reality of human experience.
Inspiring in how it reveals what goes beyond human experience.

John and Peter are at the tomb where Jesus has been laid.
Both of them observe a detail, something that might have escaped the notice of someone else.

We are told that having reached the place first, John (referred to as ‘the other disciple’):
“bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there”.

Of Peter, it is said that:
“He saw the strips of linen lying there,
as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head.
The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen”.

Emptiness… Absence… and… FAITH!

The tomb is empty, no corpse is lying there as was expected.
Jesus is… obviously absent… away…
What the two apostles see are only objects, signs pointing to a reality which they have to interpret.
They do and… they believe!

The text mentions:
“Till this moment, they had failed to understand the teaching of scripture,
that he (Jesus) must rise from the dead”.

Our own faith is also slowly evolving, our perception is gradual, as that of Peter and John was.
We, too, need signs to believe…
They will not be those of pieces of linen and cloth that have been used for Jesus’ body.

The signs given to us will be of a different nature, but no less meaningful and… convincing…
– the help received when most unexpected…
– the information needed that is discovered at the right moment…
– the solution of a problem found where it was not meant to be…
– the prevention of an accident that we deem ‘quite a miracle’…
– the resolution of a conflict that was beyond expectation…
– the healing of a relationship when all seemed lost…
and so many more astonishing happenings that prompt our doubt to yield to genuine faith!

The Risen Lord, who seemed absent, reveals his presence in those areas of emptiness that were NOT empty after all!


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:

Source: Image: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Alphabet of Lent – Letter S

S for Signs

Signs are part of communication.
We wave our hand as we leave someone.
We shake our head to refuse something.
We wink to a word spoken in jest.
We open wide our eyes in surprise.
We frown to show disapproval.

All these signs are part of what we call body language.

But there are other signs –
those displayed in an attitude expressing a conviction, or a decision.
In anger, we suddenly leave a meeting with colleagues.
Or, we go out of a room banging the door.

Occasionally, Jesus used such signs in relation to people around.

To the Pharisees who asked him precisely for a sign coming from heaven, Jesus replied that they would not get such a sign; he left them there and got back into the boat (Mark 8:13).
Another very telling example is that showing Jesus chasing the traders in the Temple (Matthew 21:12-13).
There are other signs that we could describe as symbolic –
perhaps more difficult to interpret, they may have a deep meaning.

The gospel of John proposes a typical scene which opens up an unexpected perspective.
It is that of the Wedding of Cana (John 2:1-11).
The narrative is well known where we see Jesus who, on the request of his mother, will change water into wine for the feast.
The gospel writer uses precisely this word: “This was the first of the signs given by Jesus”.

Of course, it was a miracle, and the other gospel writers will use this word rather than the one used by John: a ‘sign’.

This sign announces what Jesus will be for us: the presence of God among us to come to our aid.
God sharing our daily life – as it is taking place in a wedding celebration – to reveal his presence to us.

And all the signs that he gives us from day to day…
Do we know how to recognize them, and discover their message?…

The period of Lent is a good time to get used to doing this…


Note: In the following video (in French), Nadia Labrecque continues to reflect on this sur scene of the Wedding of Cana :


Source: Image: (Jorge Bermudez)       The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

World Stroke Day – 29 October

World Stroke Day raises people’s awareness on stroke and what can be done to combat it. It is observed on October 29 each year.

What Do People Do?
Many organizations across the world honor stroke survivors, their families, and caregivers on World Stroke Day. The day also honors people who have made scientific advances in treating stroke related illnesses. Activities include fun runs, awareness workshops, and free stroke screening tests. Awards are presented to recognize people who work towards treating and preventing stroke.

Stroke is a non-communicable disease that attacks millions of people worldwide every year. The World Stroke campaign aims to encourage people to understand stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high blood cholesterol. The campaign also promotes healthy living and ways to recognize the warning signs of stroke and how to take action.

Source: Text: Image:

Stroke affects
Stroke affects everyone – we all have reason to prevent it.  (World Stroke Organization)