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Journée internationale JAZZ, Messe JAZZ

Il y a dix ans déjà, en 2013, un compositeur Québecois, Sylvain Picard,

nous offrait une oeuvre originale:

une Messe JAZZ.

Présentée à l’église du Gésu, elle était accueillie avec enthousiasme.

En cette journée mondiale du Jazz (2023) 

vous pouvez retrouver cette présentation ici même.



International Jazz Day – 30 April

International Jazz Day highlights the ability for jazz to unite people from all walks of life and draw together folks from around the globe. No one is left out, as this day brings together artists, schools, communities, historians, academics, and jazz aficionados to raise awareness around this type of music and educate the public about the roots, impact, and future of jazz. There’s a deep-rooted message attached to this day of celebration, such as reinforcing international cooperation and communication.

It brings to light the need for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding through one of the best ways possible, music. The power of the music will be apparent when participants view people of all backgrounds, forgetting about their differences and joining together to celebrate jazz. Any adverse circumstances from the past or present are suddenly forgotten or pushed aside, and people begin to focus on friendship, freedom, hope, and dignity instead.

The day itself is intended to promote peace, diversity, respect among different cultures, and highlight the need for human rights and dignity. The music itself addresses the desire for eliminating discrimination and promoting the freedom of expression. Youth are also encouraged to participate by enacting change and helping to foster gender equality. One will have the chance to experience how much life and love emerges when the day kicks off, and musicians from all over begin to jam and play their music.

History of International Jazz Day

It all began in 2011 when the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization declared International Jazz Day as an opportunity to give recognition to jazz music and state its role to unite people all around the globe. It’s been going strong ever since and people look forward to this day each year when music lovers from around the world can share in the experience of listening to and making jazz music.

The idea itself emerged from jazz pianist and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Herbie Hancock. Together, the UNESCO Director-General and Hancock chair the event and ensure people from all over come out to participate in the celebration each year. Cities such as Paris, New Orleans, and New York were some of the first to begin to educate the public on the event and draw excitement to Jazz Day.

The Host City goes as far as to organize an All-Star Global Concert which brings together over two-dozen jazz musicians from all parts of the world in or around a historical landmark. It’s interesting to know that the popularity of the day has grown immensely over the years. Now, nearly 200 countries participate in International Jazz Day.

You can visit just about any location and hear and experience jazz music at its finest. You’ll witness artists and onlookers expressing themselves in their own unique and individual way. Cape Town, South Africa is the Host City for 2020, so one should make a note of this if he or she wants to travel and see some of the best musicians perform their music live. Not only will there be music present at the event, but organizers are also planning an extensive educational and community outreach program for people to participate in and as a way for them to expand their knowledge.


Source: Text (Abridged):     Image: Freepik


International Jazz Day – 30 April 2022

World Jazz Day: India’s Astonishing Links With the Music Genre International Jazz Day is celebrated every year around the world on 30 April. This day is observed to promote Jazz and raise awareness about its significance.

As per the official website of the United Nations (UN), Jazz is recogniSed for promoting peace, dialogue among cultures, diversity, and respect for human rights and human dignity, eradicating discrimination, promoting freedom of expression, fostering gender equality, and reinforcing the role of youth for social change.

On International Jazz Day, people from all around the globe come together to celebrate this important art form, learn about its roots, history, impact, and future.

International Jazz Day 2022 Theme

The theme for International Jazz Day 2022 is ‘A Call for Global Peace and Unity’. It focuses on the importance of unity and peace through dialogue and diplomacy.

International Jazz Day Quotes

“If you have to ask what jazz is, you’ll never know.”   ― Louis Armstrong

« Life is a lot like jazz… it’s best when you improvise. » – George Gershwin

« Jazz to me is a living music. It’s a music that since its beginning has expressed the feelings, the dreams, hopes, of the people. » – Dexter Gordon

« Diplomacy is like jazz: endless variations on a theme. » – Richard Holbrooke

« Jazz is about being in the moment. » – Herbie Hancock

« That’s the thing about jazz: it’s free-flowing, it comes from your soul. » – Billy Crystal

“Jazz washes away the dust of everyday life.” – Art Blakey

Source: Text & Image: The Qwint World

International Jazz Day – 30 April

InternationalJazzDayWashingtonWashington, D.C. will serve as the International Jazz Day 2016 Global Host City. As International Jazz Day celebrates its 5th anniversary, the U.S. nation’s capital will host a multitude of jazz performances, community service initiatives, and education programs in schools, libraries, hospitals, community centers and arts venues across the city.

Washington, D.C. is the birthplace of the great jazz pianist and bandleader Duke Ellington, and the city has enjoyed a thriving jazz scene for the past century. On April 30, 2016, Washington, D.C. will join with towns, cities and villages in over 190 countries on all 7 continents to observe International Jazz Day through thousands of performances and programs.

Source: Text:  Photo:

Messe Jazz

Cette vidéo présentée par David Minier vous offre des extraits de l’oeuvre originale du compositeur Québecois: Sylvain Picard.
La messe a été célébrée en l’église du Gésu à Montréal.
La présentation du programme a été faite à la cocathédrale Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue de Longueuil.

Bon visionnement!


Journée internationale du Jazz – 30 avril

Lors de son assemblée générale de novembre 2011, l’UNESCO a proclamé que le 30 avril serait, chaque année, l’occasion d’une célébration internationale du Jazz. Pour les sages de la docte assemblée, il s’agit avant tout de sensibiliser la communauté internationale aux vertus du jazz comme outil éducatif, comme force de paix, d’unité, de dialogue et de coopération renforcée entre les peuples.


Rappelons-leur à tout hasard que le jazz est d’abord l’expression musicale de tout un peuple…

Les informations contenues dans le site des Nations Unies à propos de cette journée sont certes intéressantes, mais elles ne semblent pas réellement en tenir compte, voyant surtout dans ce mode d’expression un vecteur de liberté d’expression et un symbole d’unité et de paix !

Il brise les barrières et crée des opportunités pour la compréhension mutuelle et la tolérance
Il réduit les tensions entre les individus, groupes et communautés
Il favorise l’égalité des sexes
Il renforce le rôle des jeunes pour le changement social
Il encourage l’innovation artistique, l’improvisation, de nouvelles formes d’expression,
et l’intégration de formes musicales traditionnelles dans de nouvelles

Il stimule le dialogue interculturel et valorise les jeunes issus de milieux marginaux.
La liste que vous venez de parcourir est tirée in extenso du site des Nations Unies…

Ce n’est pas une raison suffisante pour bouder notre plaisir. Quand vous quitterez cette page, allez vite écouter du jazz. Et du bon !

Source: Texte: Journée mondiale      Image: