A COMMUNICATION department might easily choose
such an illustration to advertise a coming workshop.

And, waiting for the lecturer, a scene such as this one
may be… well, the norm!

Nowadays, for many people, communication refers mostly to the ‘tools’ of communication but it is a simplified definition indeed.

The gospel text of this Sunday (23rd Sunday of Year B – Mk.7:31-37) helps us to reflect on COMMUNICATION in a different way.
The text presents us with the scene of Jesus healing a man who is deaf and who has a speech impediment.
His situation is one of being deprived of the ability to hear and the power to speak properly –
a sad condition indeed.

I like to imagine the condition of this man once he has been cured by Jesus…
It seems to me that he would delight in listening, he would pay attention to the sounds and voices.
And, slowly learning to speak, he would probably utter words with care while anticipating the outcome of what he is going to day.

Delight, attention, care, anticipation… are these not important ingredients of a good communication?

  • Delighting in what we can hear…
  • Paying attention to those who speak to us…
  • Being careful in what we say so as not to hurt…
  • Foreseeing what may result from the words spoken…

The gesture of Jesus is one healing and of liberation –
liberation for the give and take of sharing among people.
In this parable, perhaps there is more than meets the eye!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/23e-dimanche-de-lannee-b/

Source: Images: gograph.com   idealo.de


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