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World Day of Altruism – 26 May

The day of those who want to create a better and more respectful world
No matter what your culture, your social status, your education level, your age, your desires, and your aspirations are, you are concerned by your future and the future of the planet you live on; this is the reason for the World Day of Altruism.

Because we are aware that our future relies on us and only us, on the choices we make today, and on our actions. Because we are aware that what will happen to-morrow depends on what we do today, and what we get today is the result of what we have done yesterday. We have decided not to make the same mistakes and to:

“Create something different”

   Our leitmotiv : “Life respect above all”

Because we think that you and me, all together, will succeed in giving our future a happier direction that the one we have chosen until today. Because it’s now time to take responsibilities for our planet and our future by making constructive decisions carrying the seeds of the results we want for tomorrow.

Source: Text & Image: www.planète-altruiste.com


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