image-i-nations trésor

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, Year A – 2020

Repeatedly, and in many ways, poets and prophets have said it: LIFE IS A JOURNEY.
The beginning of a new year is, somehow, a reminder of this.
Of course, a journey means setting out and being on the move.

Today’s gospel, on the Feast of Epiphany (Mt.2:1-12) illustrates this very clearly.
We see three men on the way, they have set out towards… the unknown.
Ready for whatever the journey has in store for them:
Joyful surprises, painful circumstances, threatening obstacles, suspicious encounters…
There may be moments of darkness, periods of questioning – it is all part of the journey.

Being on the move – we are!
So often running here and there, rushing, hurrying, always on the go.
But… a journey must have… a goal.
Setting out is meant to be towards a destination.

Moving for the sake of moving is not being on a journey.
We may be caught in a frenzy of perpetual movement but this cannot bring to a definite place –
the place we are longing to reach – that of happiness, peace of mind and heart, true serenity.

So, perhaps today’s feast reminds us that, at the beginning of a year still new,
we need to see clearly the destination we want to reach…
the place where we want to find ourselves… at the end of the year.

Or, at the end of our journey on this earth…

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image:









Feast of Mary, Mother of God, Year A – 2020

There are different ways of reading a gospel text, or listening to it.
Sometimes, we have a sense of ‘déjà vu’ – it seems we know all about it for such a long time.
At other times, what is described feels strange, foreign, not related to our own experience.

But the quiet contemplation of a scene can be instructive and truly inspiring.
On this Feast of Mary, Mother of God, today’s gospel text (Lk.2:16-21) can be exactly this for us.

“The Shepherds hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby…
They spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child…
They returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen.”
“All who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them…”

“Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 

  • Hurrying to find…
  • Sharing what has been discovered…
  • Glorifying and praising God…
  • Marvelling at what happens…
  • Treasuring up and keep pondering…

A good programme for the adventure through the new year just beginning!

Note: another reflection is available on a different theme on French at:


Source: Image: Armenian church us (Rembrandt painting)






4th Sunday of Advent, Year C

Just a few days before Christmas, many of us are rushing – hurrying to do this, to go there, to buy that. So many things to do, so many tasks to see to, so many people to contact…

So much, so many – it seems a mountain to climb to accomplish all that we are faced with before…

Before what?… Well… before Christmas!

The gospel text of today (4th Sunday of Advent, Year C – Luke 1:39-45) shows us Mary, precisely before Christmas. She, too, is in a hurry, we are told, and she too has a mountain to climb (at least, a hill, as the text describes it).

“At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country…”

She has just been visited by an angel, she has been asked to be the mother of God’s own Son and… she goes – she gets ready and moves on, not for herself but to help someone else. 

Some people would have expected her to stay home and reflect on what has just happened… Reflect, meditate, contemplate, adore – of course! Yes, of course, she will do all that, I believe… on the way!

Perhaps our own way to prepare for Christmas could be similar to hers: Reflect, meditate. contemplate, adore… in the midst of all the chores and duties that we are faced with.

If that way was good enough for her, should it not be good enough for us?!


Source: Image:

Note: another reflection is available on a different theme at: