8th Sunday of the Year, A

We can paint pictures – with paintbrushes and colours. A stroke here, a line there, a brushing here, an addition there and… we get an image, a representation of something, of someone. But we can also paint… with words: the description of a scene, the evocation of an event, the […]

World Day on Climate Change – 8 December

  A shift towards a new era of implementation and action on climate change and sustainable development has been signaled by Heads of State, Heads of Government and Delegations from all over the world through the Marrakech Action Proclamation. (Marrakech, 17 November 2016) The Proclamation celebrates the unstoppable global momentum […]

4th Sunday of the Year, C

Waiting at the bus station the other day, I overheard a woman telling another: « Oh, my son Simon is really ambitious! » To which the second woman replied: ‘Well, this can be good sometimes, but at other times… not so good… » The bus arrived as the proud mother of Simon kept […]

1st Sunday of ADVENT, C

When walking on the streets, I observe people around. Even on the move, some are busy keying in a texto! Others are hurrying, running to catch a bus or rushing to meet a deadline. Sad to say, many people are walking with stooped shoulders and sad faces. Their steps seem […]

Not to be afraid…

St. Francis de Sales was a ‘master’ of the spiritual life and was keen to help lay people find a simple and genuine way to relate to God in their daily life. He repeats Jesus’ message not to be afraid. He has this to say: « Do not look forward to […]