4th Sunday of Year C

“Now we are seeing a dim reflection in a mirror ; but then we shall be seeing face to face.” (1 Cor.13:12 – 2nd reading) It is said and repeated. It is claimed and proclaimed. It is promised and published … But, do we believe this? It is so astonishing! It […]

14th Sunday of Year B

 An author of spiritual books (Gerard W. Hughes) has published one under the title: The God of surprises. His reflections are pertinent and helpful. After reading it, I was thinking to myself: ‘Were I to write a book of spiritual reflections, I would give it the title: The God of… […]

13th Sunday of Year B

The world of cinema production and that of the theater allow us to witness human experiences that often depict our own personal emotions. Watching a film, or seeing the actors evolve on the scene, can be powerful means of… introspection and self-knowledge. For my part, I feel that the same […]

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day – 8 May

May 8 is World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. It’s a time to recognize the staff and volunteers who traverse their communities, their countries, and the globe to alleviate human suffering. 1 in 25 people in the world is helped by the Red Cross or Red Crescent each year. […]

5th Sunday of Year B

It is practically every day that we are told: “Don’t forget – don’t forget to go there, to buy this, to call so-and-so.” Or, more positively expressed: REMEMBER – remember to do this, to collect that, to pay the bills, etc. Yes, people around us repeatedly call our attention to […]

International Day of the Bible – 24 November

The First ‘International Day of the Bible’ was launched on November 24, 2014. Bible ministry groups across the country are asking people to read or promote scripture publicly or online at noon on Nov.24 in what’s been dubbed the first International Day of the Bible. « This is a very simple […]

25th Sunday of Year A

EXPECTATIONS – we all have them and plenty of them, do we not ? And they fill our lives with more than a touch of hope and anticipation! Expectations of… – recovery after sickness, – success in a coming exam – a promotion at work, – the partner we dream of […]

International Day of Peace – 27 September

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. The theme for 2017 is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and […]

3rd Sunday of Easter, Year A

“We had hoped…” “We had thought this would happen…” “We expected we could do this…” “We had anticipated the coming of…” “We had prepared for that event…” The very mood of two disciples on the way from Jerusalem to Emmaus (Lk.24:13-35) after the terrible event of the past Friday. They […]