image-i-nations trésor

5è dimanche de l’année B

Récemment, lors d’une visite, une personne me disait :
« Qu’est-ce qu’on fait ici dans ce monde? Tout ce qu’on récolte, c’est misère après misère. »
La tristesse était palpable, le découragement à peine dissimulé…

Cette conversation m’est revenue à l’esprit en lisant la 1ère lecture de ce dimanche
(5è dimanche de l’année B – Jb.7:1-4,6-7).
On y rencontre Job qui s’exclame :
« Vraiment, la vie de l’homme sur la terre est une corvée…
Depuis des mois je n’ai en partage que le néant,
je ne compte que des nuits de souffrance.

Cette expression de souffrance pourrait se retrouver…

  • Sur les lèvres des parents d’un enfant atteint de l’une ou l’autre de ces maladies que l’on nomme ‘maladies rares’.
  • Dans la bouche de celui ou celle qui accompagne un conjoint/e en proie à la dystrophie musculaire ou autre maladie dégénérative.
  • Dans les paroles prononcées à voix basse d’une personne qui prend soin d’un/e proche souffrant d’Alzheimer.
  • Dans le soupir exténué de ceux et celles qui tentent d’aider une personne aimée ayant maintenant besoin de soins palliatifs…
  • Ceux-là, celles-là, et tant d’autres !…

Et voilà qu’à la suite des lamentations de Job, l’évangile (Mc.1:29-39) nous présente Jésus
qui « guérit beaucoup de gens atteints de toutes sortes de maladies. »

En cette période qui est la nôtre, il se trouve des gens qui n’hésitent pas à exprimer leur colère.
Ils nous demandent avec véhémence :
« Où est-il ce Jésus dont vous parlez, lui qui faisait des choses si extraordinaires.
Les malades – il ne s’en occupe plus ; son pouvoir est peut-être épuisé de nos jours… »

Il serait trop facile de qualifier cette réaction de manque de foi proche du blasphème.
Ces gens ressentent profondément leur impuissance et ils voudraient pouvoir compter sur la puissance
de celui dont on leur a enseigné qu’il est ‘tout-puissant’.
Celui dont le Psaume d’aujourd’hui (Ps. 147) affirme :
« Il guérit les cœurs brisés et soigne leurs blessures. »

Que dire ? Quelle réponse pourrait apporter soulagement et réconfort ?
Peut-être seulement être là, présent, avec toute la compassion dont on est capable
celle-là même que l’on obtient de lui…

Et suggérer… bien discrètement… si la situation le permet… de lui confier à Lui
– dans un cri ou un silence – tout ce qui écrase et anéantit.
Lui dont l’un de ses apôtres a osé dire :
« Le Christ a pris nos souffrances, il a porté nos maladies ». (Mt.8:17)

Source: Images:   Free Bible Images

Note: Une autre réflexion est offerte en anglais sur un thème différent à:

30th Sunday of Year A






If I were to say : ”Here are the people God prefers”, some may be quick to reply :
“God has no favourites”, saint Paul says it clearly when writing to the Romans (Rom.2:11).

And yet… I believe that God is… partial to some people among all his children.
They are mentioned many times throughout the Bible:
the widows, the orphans, the strangers, the weak, the needy, the downcast, those whose rights are ignored.
Amazingly, God affirms that he, himself, will defend them.

It is the message of this Sunday’s 1st reading: (30th Sunday Year A – Ex.22:20-26).
The text is forceful and the words challenging, to say the least:

“You must not molest the stranger or oppress him…
You must not be harsh with the widow, or with the orphan;
if you are harsh with them, they will surely cry out to me,
and be sure I shall hear their cry.”
Many texts of Scripture repeat this message clearly given also in Psalm 82:2-4:
“Let the weak and the orphan have justice,
be fair to the wretched and destitute;
rescue the weak and needy.”

The lowly and the needy, those despised and rejected, the victims of exploitation and repression, the ones who experience dejection and rejection – all of them have a special… power, it seems – the power to touch God’s heart and be favoured with his compassion.

If God hears their cry, we, who should reflect God’s image, should we not do as much?…

Source: Images:        Youtube    Soul Sheperding



27th Sunday of Year A

The gospel narratives give us many parables of Jesus.
All of them are inspiring, some are challenging, others rather disturbing.
I think that the one in this Sunday’s gospel (27th Sunday, Year A – Mt.21:33-43) must have appeared very shocking to Jesus’ listeners.
And it was!

For us, 21 centuries later, the meaning is obvious and the words leave no doubt as to what Jesus wanted to say.
But I believe that the scribes, the Pharisees and the leaders of the people who heard the words of Jesus also had a rather clear picture of what he meant.
It was aimed at them – at their obstinacy in refusing to recognize him as God’s messenger.
In the verse following the parable we are told: “The chief priests and the scribes realised he was speaking about them” (v.45).

From the start they had challenged him, they opposed him, and they tried to trap him in all kinds of ways.
They saw all too clearly how his miraculous powers had a great influence on the crowds of people coming to hear him from all over the country.
They noted how his compassion for those whom they themselves despised was bringing more and more people to him.
“The crowd looked on him as a prophet but they would have liked to arrest him” (v.46).
A hard text, directed at people precisely hardened in their thoughts and settled in their ways – thoughts of pride and arrogance and ways of contempt and rejection.

Has the story, well-known as it is, anything to tell us in this day and age?
We like to believe that we would never have followed the ways of the Pharisees.
We would never have adopted such a behaviour as theirs.

Yet, one can wonder: are self-conceit, obstinacy, scorn, disdain, bad faith, exclusion, rejection,
are all these absent from our own attitudes in this or that situation?…
One can only wonder . . . and . . . possibly face an unpleasant truth never acknowledged until now.

Source: Image: LDS

Le flot de réfugiés continue…

Le bulletin de nouvelles internationales (BBC World, 1er juillet 2017) nous informe que le mois dernier près de 11000 réfugiés sont arrivés sur les rives de l’Italie en seulement cinq jours…

Et combien d’autres ont été engloutis par la mer?…

C’est l’actualité en continu…
Oui, vraiment une actualité qui INTERPELLE!

Que faire? Comment faire?…
Les instances gouvernementales des différents pays d’Europe discutent et cherchent une solution.
Il n’est pas facile de réconcilier les équations économiques et… la compassion.

Source: Image:

12th Sunday of the Year, A

« To speak or not to speak: that is the question”, some would say…
This is what we are confronted with in the last lines of this Sunday’s gospel (Mt.10:26-33, 12th Sunday of the Year, Year A) as we hear Jesus tell us:

“If anyone declares himself for me in the presence of people,
I will declare myself for that person
in the presence of my Father in heaven.
But the one who disowns me in the presence of people,
I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven.”
Words that are direct, challenging and perhaps a little disturbing…
Disturbing in this day and age when many will tell you that religion is a private matter.
Some people claim that one should keep to oneself what he or she believes.
We are not to bother others with matters of faith, they say.
Matters of faith which may not interest them, in any case, and which may even antagonize them.

It is true that much harm can be done by speaking in a way that shows no respect for the beliefs of others.
Trying to coerce people to take on our own ways of relating to God – for this is what religion is about – is certainly not what he expects from us.
Yet, there are times when we should speak, situations which call for our intervention.

But we should speak with tact as much as enthusiasm.
Our words should be voiced with as much discretion as conviction.
To be a witness, surely, to speak for God and about God, most certainly but…
it should be done with consideration, compassion, as much as conviction.

We need to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to speak or not to speak…
He is the one who will enable us to blend, in the proper way, wise speech and respectful silence…

Source: Image: Dissolve

Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year A

If you mention the word ‘TRINITY’ to a group of theologians, or to some Scripture scholars, they will probably give you some lengthy explanations.
Exegetes, theology professors, spiritual authors will probably do the same.
Definitions and explanations, are their domain.
Expounding on concepts and themes is very much part of their expertise. 

Strangely enough, if you look for the word ‘TRINITY’ in the Bible, you will NOT find it!
You may think that it is amazing but it is true.
This word came to be used in the Christian language only late in the fourth century.
It was at that time that this term was used to express the faith of Christian believers.

But, you will find, yes, you will discover in the New Testament, the expression of this REALITY of a God who is one and who manifests Itself (this pronoun is not masculine or feminine) in three Persons.

It is in the chapters 14 to 17 of the gospel of John that we can perceive this most clearly.
There, we hear Jesus repeatedly speaking of the FATHER and of the SPIRIT as being one and himself being one with them.

The first reading of this feast of the Holy Trinity (Ex.34:4-6,8-9) tells us that God is “a God of tenderness and compassion, rich in kindness and faithfulness.”
So, what we celebrate on Trinity Sunday is this tenderness and compassion reaching us in a fatherly way, in the brotherly way of a Saviour, in the way of One who is our Advocate – for this is what they are to us and for us: the Father, the Son and the Spirit.

What more could be said?

Source: Image: Pinterest

4è dimanche de Pâques, année A

Enfants, après avoir goûté quelque chose de bien bon, quand on demandait davantage de cette sucrerie, souvent on s’entendait dire : « C’est assez. »
Une expression que supportent bien mal les ados avec leur soif d’autonomie et de liberté sans mesure.

Et nous, les adultes, c’est chaque jour que nous sommes confrontés à cet incontournable : ASSEZ !
Et pourtant… il semble que nous n’ayons jamais assez de toutes les bonnes choses de la vie :
Pas assez de bien-être, pas assez de succès, pas assez d’appréciation, pas assez de chance, pas assez d’ami/es, pas assez de bonheur, pas assez d’amour…
Et la liste pourrait s’étendre encore bien longue.

Il semble que le quotidien nous oblige à supporter une faim insatiable jamais comblée.
On fait l’expérience d’un besoin si profond qu’il n’est jamais satisfait.
On désire, on espère, on attend et… le désir n’est pas réalisé, l’espérance ne débouche sur rien et… on cherche toujours… ce mystérieux élément qui manque à notre existence.

Et si l’évangile de ce dimanche (4è dimanche de Pâques, année A – Jn.10 :1-10) nous ouvrait le chemin qui, lui, ouvre sur un horizon prometteur.
Car c’est justement une promesse qui nous est donnée.
Les paroles de Jésus la l’énoncent clairement :

« Moi, je suis venu pour que les brebis aient la vie,
la vie en abondance. »

L’ABONDANCE ! Enfin, ce qui peut satisfaire en plénitude !
Certains diront : « Se fier à ça, c’est croire à un conte de fée ! »
Et si c’était autre chose qu’un conte de fée, tellement autre qu’une illusion consolante ?…
L’expression courante affirmera : « Ce n’est pas évident… »
Évidemment !

Pour ma part, je suis convaincue qu’il ne dira jamais :
« Je t’ai donné assez de faveurs, assez d’assistance, assez de miséricorde… »
Cela n’est pas… compatible avec son amour et sa compassion sans limites –
Un peu comme si – tout Dieu qu’il soit – il ne connaisse pas le mot ‘Assez’ !

Source: Images: C’est Assez, Dreamstime

1st Sunday of Lent, Year A

  We are all familiar with the use of magnets. A mechanic finds very useful a screwdriver with a magnet to gather screws and bolts.
A seamstress also sees as very practical her scissors with a magnet to pick up pins scattered on the floor.
And many of us have those small magnetic items stuck on the door of the fridge as ‘Bear in mind’ message holders.

These items exert a strong pull on different objects and, as such, I find them an excellent example to illustrate what… temptation is!
For this is very much the theme of this 1st Sunday of Lent, Year A.

What is a temptation really?
We all know it… from experience!
It is a strong pull, a powerful urge awakening in us a desire.
It leads us to want, to want urgently, absolutely, something… someone…

The scene of Jesus’ temptations in today’s gospel (Mt.4:1-11) shows temptation emerging mostly in 3 areas – the areas of… the 3 Ps: Pride – Power – Pleasure.

And our own lives will provide occasions a-plenty, for temptation to manifest itself in the same 3 areas:

PRIDE: Too much arrogance – Not enough respect for others.
POWER: Too much domination – Not enough compassion.
PLEASURE: Too much selfish enjoyment – Not enough true joy shared with others.

Lent is a good period to look precisely at this: the too much and the not enough aspects of our lives and… to increase and to diminish the respective amounts according to the gospel message!

Source: Images:;;;;

Ash Wednesday, Year A

Last Sunday (8th Sunday of the Year, A) we were reflecting on the idea of ‘painting’- painting with colours and paintbrushes.
Throughout history people have tried to paint even… GOD – at least, what they thought God was like!
Still today, artists try to do the same.

But we said that we also ‘paint’ with words.
Describing things, situations and people and thus creating an image of them.
We said that we do this also with… GOD.
Saints, spiritual writers, religious leaders, all of them try to give us a picture of God.

At the beginning of this period of Lent, the same theme comes again.
The prophet Joel, in the 1st reading (Joel 2:12-18), is the one who gives us an idea – a picture – of… God’s personality!

The text says:
“Your God is all tenderness and compassion,
slow to anger, rich in graciousness,
and ready to relent…
Who knows if he will not leave a blessing as he passes.”
Simple words, a clear message, a description in human terms, with concepts familiar to us, telling us who God is. God’s character, if we can speak in these terms, is one of tenderness, of compassion, of graciousness, of readiness to forgive and forget our failings and failures.

Who would not want to experience personally such acceptance, such mercy, such love?
Only one thing is required for this experience to be ours:

“It is the Lord who speaks,
‘Come back to me with all your heart’…”


Source: Images:;