image-i-nations trésor

World Occupational Therapy Day – 27 October 2024

The theme for World Occupational Therapy Day 2024 is ‘Occupational Therapy for All’. The theme reflects the important role of the profession to facilitate the ability of individuals, communities and populations to participate in the activities that they want, need or are expected to do in their daily lives. 

Source: Text:  Image:

Why Is World Occupational Therapy Day Celebrated? 

World Occupational Therapy Day is celebrated to thank occupational therapists and the work they do to help others. It can help people to understand their role in greater depth, and allow occupational therapists to share their goals with others.

The event also promotes occupational therapy as a profession. It can be an extremely rewarding career for those who choose it, so it’s important that as many people as possible understand what occupational therapy is all about and how they can enter the profession.

What Do Occupational Therapists Do?

Occupational therapy is a branch of healthcare; occupational therapists help people of all ages in lots of different areas. They can support people with their mobility, motor skills, and daily tasks. Their role is to work with a person, identify strengths and difficulties that they experience in everyday life, and find ways to tackle these things. 

Occupational therapists can help adults and children with mobility problems, SEND, and those struggling to adapt after an operation. They can also help elderly people who are finding that ageing is affecting how they carry out their daily tasks.

No matter what the person’s circumstances are, an occupational therapist’s aim is to develop someone’s confidence and independence in carrying out their daily tasks, or other activities. 


Source: Text:

15th Sunday of Year C – 2019

Some of Jesus’ parables are well-known, nearly too well-known, yet not known well enough…
We may be tempted to think that his message is equally familiar but…
Intellectual knowledge is one thing, daily living is another – we are aware of this!

This Sunday’s parable of The Good Samaritan (Lk.10:25-37) is one of those in danger of a… simple and hasty adaptation!
The levite and the priest are no longer among us, but we may easily picture that among the members of…
this Catholic grouping, that pious association, those participants in a prayerful gathering…
well, surely there are some who would personify the attitude of… non-involvement of those two people of old.

Simple and hasty adaptation and… condemnation.
Yet, in mentally attributing blame to others, we may be missing the point altogether…
What if there were hidden within us – each one of us –
a modern-day levite and a contemporary of the priest in the time of Jesus?

Perhaps, we must admit that there are moments when soft voices within us suggest:

  • This is none of your business.
  • You have a more urgent commitment just now.
  • Someone is waiting for you, you can’t upset him.
  • Let someone else, more qualified, take care of this situation.
  • Surely you have more important things to see to.
  • After all, he’s not, she’s not, of us, really…

The words have a familiar and contemporary accent, and yet, they echo faithfully the Aramaic unspoken thoughts of the two people of Jesus’ parable.
Yes, they are sometimes part of a statement we may not dare to utter but which inspire our attitude to the one in need.

Strange how the 21st century may resemble so much… the 1st!

Note: Another reflection is available on a similar theme in French at:


Source: Image: Pinterest

Le jour où Dieu a invité Abraham à faire de l’astronomie!

On célèbre aujourd’hui – 12 mars 2019 – un anniversaire peu commun:
Le 30è anniversaire de l’origine de la Grande Toile!
L’enseigne WWW (World Wide Web) est familière à des milliards de résident/es de cette planète.
Quotidiennement, et à chaque moment, ce sont des millions d’internautes qui s’y retrouvent!

Et, on peut le dire sans crainte d’erreur : ‘Sur le ‘Net’ on trouve de tout’.
De tout, oui, et même… DIEU!
En fait, elles sont innombrables les références à l’être suprême que l’on nomme ‘Dieu’.

Alors que je préparais une réflexion pour le 2è dimanche du Carême, année C,
j’y ai trouvé en lien à la 1ère lecture de ce dimanche : Gn.15:5-12,17-18 – un titre débordant d’humour :
Dieu invite Abraham à faire de l’astronomie rien de moins!

Et le titre pourrait devenir Dieu invite Abraham à faire de l’astronomie et de la géologie,
si l’on considère le verset 17 du chapitre 22 de ce même livre de la Genèse où Dieu parle de nouveau avec Abraham et, cette fois, l’invite à compter, non seulement les étoiles mais aussi les grains de sable!
J’ai souri à cet effort d’adaptation à la Génération du WWW !

Mais nos efforts d’adaptation sont un peu… en retard sur Dieu!
C’est lui qui, il y a plus de 2000 ans, a décidé de ‘s’adapter’ à nous en devenant l’un de nous!
C’est cela Noël, non?
Dieu qui, comme tous les petits des humains, doit apprendre à parler, à marcher, et à se comporter… humainement, quoi!

Une théologie adaptée, ‘incarnée’, qui parler d’un Dieu qui est devenu humain et… le demeure éternellement!
Si la Grande Toile nous le rappelle… bénie soit-elle!

Source : Image : Intoxicated on Life

Journée mondiale de l’ergothérapie – 27 octobre

Les ergothérapeutes ont leur journée mondiale. En fait, il semble bien que cette journée soit d’origine anglo-saxonne où on célèbre depuis un certain nombre d’années la « World Occupational Therapy Day ».

L’objectif de l’ergothérapie est de maintenir, restaurer et permettre les activités humaines de manière autonome et efficace. Elle permet de réduire les situations de handicap en tenant compte de l’environnement des personnes et de leurs habitudes. L’ergothérapeute est l’intermédiaire entre les besoins d’adaptation de la personne et les exigences de la vie quotidienne en société.

Source : Texte & Image : Journée Mondiale