Some Bible scholars claim that today’s gospel scene, that of the Transfiguration of Jesus, was used by him with a special purpose (Luke 9:28-36).
They say that, some time before, Jesus had spoken to his apostles about his coming Passion.
He did not want them to get discouraged about what was to come, so he showed himself in his glory to make them understand that the terrible suffering he was to experience was not the end of everything.
We may agree, or disagree, with this opinion but, personally, it set me thinking – thinking about the ways that God uses to help us not to get discouraged when we are faced with trials of different kinds.
The example of courageous people faced with hardships which they have to live with day after day can be truly inspiring.

- The person who has been given a diagnosis of a terminal disease, yet remains serene and manages to welcome people with a smile…
- The man who has lost his source of income and with amazing courage adjusts to the training for a new type of employment…
- The woman who has been abandoned by her partner and who, with strength and hope, copes with providing for the needs of her family…
- The parents of a child with a severe handicap who live with serenity and give on-going loving care to the child…

All of them, and so many others, reflect deep human compassion and a genuine acceptance of the limitations imposed on them by the situations they find themselves in.
Their attitude is an inspiration that can transform our own outlook on life.
Their example can truly brighten the landscape of our circumstances and give us encouragement when we have a difficult time to go through…
It can be something of a… ‘transfiguration’!
A way for the Lord to lighten our burden and to lift up our spirits!
Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/2e-dimanche-du-careme-annee-c-2025/
Source: Images: https://www.ncronline.org/spirituality/scripture-life/feast-transfiguration-lord-listen-him
unsplash.com ( Olga Kononenko) (Nik Shuliahin) pexels.com (Judita)
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