« What is your opinion? » 

These are not my words but those of Jesus himself in the gospel of this Sunday (26th of Year A – Mt.21:28-32).
He was speaking to the people who had come to hear him, but he is now addressing also each one of us today.

I imagine that when Jesus started speaking to the crowds in this way, they must have been wondering what was to follow.
They might have guessed – as we do – that, in fact, Jesus did not only want to know what they thought.
What he wanted them to be aware of was how they, themselves, would act in a given situation.

This is the case with this gospel text.
He uses strong language to reproach them their attitude.

What is it exactly that Jesus condemns?

  • They saw, but they did not believe.
  • They heard, but they did not change their way.

“You refused to think better of it,” says Jesus.
In other words: You did not change your mind… and your behaviour.
An indictment that many would deserve nowadays as well.
Perhaps even some of us, at some time… in some circumstances…

Changing, accepting to correct, to amend, to improve our ways – our ways

  • of thinking,
  • of judging situations,
  • of reacting to events,
  • of relating to people.

A time to change our minds… and our ways – this is God’s gift today.
An opportunity to identify with the first son of Jesus’ parable.

Source: Image: viewsfromthetreehouse.com



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