« Without a long-term solution, desertification and land degradation will not only affect food supply but lead to increased migration and threaten the stability of many nations and regions. This is why poster2016world leaders made land degradation neutrality one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals. »  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

2016 Theme: Inclusive cooperation for achieving Land Degradation Neutrality. Slogan: Protect Earth. Restore Land. Engage People.

The global observance event on 17 June 2016 will be held in Beijing, China, hosted by the State Forestry Administration of China (SFA).  In 2013, China embarked on the new development strategy, “The Belt and Road,” aiming to strengthen cooperation among countries primarily in Eurasia. Since then, it has been promoting green and low-carbon infrastructure construction in cooperation with the neighboring countries connected by the historic Silk Road.logo-for-inc2016

By organizing the global observance in China, the 2016 WDCD will demonstrate how Land Degradation Neutrality can be a critical element for achieving other sustainable development goals, especially for promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic growth. At the global observance, the host country will announce the “One Belt and One Road Joint Action to Combating Desertification Initiative” together with interested countries and stakeholders.

Source: Text & Images: UN

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