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World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation – 1st September 2024

« Hope and Act with Creation” is the theme of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to be held on 1 September 2024. The theme is drawn from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans (8:19-25), where the Apostle explains what it means for us to live according to the Spirit and focuses on the sure hope of salvation that is born of faith, namely, newness of life in Christ.

Source: Text: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/cura-creato/documents/20240627    Image: www.humandevelopment.va

This day calls on all of us to unite in prayer, reflection, and action for the protection and preservation of our common home. 

This year’s theme, “Hope and Act with Creation,” draws inspiration from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans (8:19-25), emphasizing the hope that stems from our faith and the active role we must play in caring for the world around us. The theme resonates with Pope Francis’ message, highlighting our responsibility as stewards of creation and our call to safeguard the environment for future generations. 

Source: Text: https://www.diocesemontreal.org/en/news-and-info/latest-news/world-day-prayer-care-creation-1-september-2024


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