image-i-nations trésor

World Day for Safety and Health at Work – 28 April 2024

The impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health

Climate change is already having serious impacts on planetary health, human health and the world of work. As this problem intensifies, workers around the globe find themselves at an increased risk of exposure to hazards such as excessive heat, ultraviolet radiation, extreme weather events, air pollution, vector-borne diseases and agrochemicals. Numerous health conditions are linked to climate change, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory illnesses, and mental health disorders.

Promoting, respecting and realizing the fundamental principle and right at work of a safe and healthy working environment also means addressing dangerous climate change impacts in the workplace. Mainstreaming occupational safety and health (OSH) into climate policies and integrating climate concerns into OSH practices is crucial. Legislation may need re-evaluation or new regulations as climate hazards evolve.

Collaboration between governments and social partners is vital for climate mitigation and adaptation policies. The time to act is now!

On the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, the ILO has launched a new report titled « Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate, » which reveals alarming new data on the impact of climate change on workers’ safety and health.


Source: Text & Image:


International Volunteer Day – 5 December 2022

International Volunteer Day (IVD)

International Volunteer Day (IVD) is a global celebration of volunteers. It takes place every year on December 5 to shine a light on the impact of volunteer efforts everywhere.

Volunteers are leading social change around the world. This special day promotes the work of volunteers at all levels, including local, national and international.

United Nations Volunteers founded International Volunteer Day in 1985.

For more information, please visit the United Nations Volunteers website.

International Volunteer Day December 5 2022

Source: Text & Image:

World Day for Decent Work – 7 October

It is good to ask ourselves the question: WHAT IS DECENT WORK?
And October 7th is a good day to answer it!

  • Since 2015, the richest 1% has owned more wealth than the rest of the planet (Oxfam).
  • 71% of people say governments should work towards a pay rise for workers (ITUC Global Poll 2017).
  • 80% of people say the minimum wage in their country is too low (ITUC Global Poll 2017).

« The rules are stacked against working people, and that is why we have unprecedented and destructive levels of economic inequality and insecurity while a small number of global conglomerates like Amazon amass incalculable riches for a very few. There is enough wealth in the world to meet the challenges of our time – creating decent work for all, ensuring universal social protection, tackling climate change and all the other things that need to be done to ensure that people can live in dignity on a sustainable planet. But the rules need to change. And to achieve that, we need to build workers’ power. »


Source: Text:     Images:   International Trade Union Confederation


34th Sunday of Year A – Feast of Christ the universal King – 2020

In many areas of Quebec Province, countless orange cones raise their heads – they seem to be everywhere.
We are used to their presence, used also to seeing near them a familiar road sign which reads:

The 1st reading of today’s Feast of Christ the universal King brings to mind another sign that could read:

You are surprised? Yet, the text of the reading suggests this rather forcefully (Ez.34:11-12,15-17):

“This is what the Lord says: 

 I will search for my sheep and look after them.
I will look after my sheep.
I will rescue them… I will gather them.
I will bring them in their own land.
I will pasture them.
I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down.
I will search for the lost.
I will bring back the strays.
I will bind up the injured.
I will strengthen the weak.
I will shepherd the flock with justice.”

This is the picture of God who is indeed… very active, full of concern, caring in so many ways.
He goes literally out of his way to make sure that we are safe.
He takes all necessary means so that our needs are provided in every way.

Quite the opposite of how men have sometimes described God: quietly resting in his heavenly mansion waiting for the praises and sacrifices of human beings!
GOD AT WORK – no doubt about it!
And in the lives of each one of us in a very personal way. 


Note: Another reflection on a different theme in French can be found at:


Source: Images :   Christian Cohort

World Day for Decent Work – 7 October

Workers from around the world will be holding activities to mark the 11th World Day for Decent Work on 7 October.

This year’s global theme, “Change the Rules”, highlights the deeply entrenched injustice of the global economic system alongside shrinking democratic space and deteriorating labour rights in many countries, documented in the ITUC Global Rights Index.

“The rules are stacked against working people, and that is why we have unprecedented and destructive levels of economic inequality and insecurity while a small number of global conglomerates like Amazon amass incalculable riches for a very few. There is enough wealth in the world to meet the challenges of our time – creating decent work for all, ensuring universal social protection, tackling climate change and all the other things that need to be done to ensure that people can live in dignity on a sustainable planet. But the rules need to change. And to achieve that, we need to build workers’ power. The World Day for Decent Work is an important milestone on the way to the ITUC World Congress in Copenhagen in December, where we will finalise an ambitious and comprehensive trade union agenda for change and economic renewal,” said ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow.

“Since the inaugural World Day for Decent Work in 2008, tens of millions of people have taken part in activities in more than 100 countries to celebrate the achievements of trade unions, to pay homage to those who have sacrificed so much on the front lines of struggles for democratic rights and freedoms, and to advance the cause of social and economic progress which benefits all instead of the privileged elite. This year again, unions and other progressive movements will mobilise around 7 October to show our determination to reclaim democratic space and overhaul the rules of the global economy through organising, campaigning and advocating for a better world.”

With the presidential election in Brazil taking place on 7 October, unions will be stepping up the demand for former President Lula to be released from prison. Lula was unjustly sentenced to a 12-year prison sentence and, while he was by far the most popular candidate, prevented from standing in the election.                                                                                                                                                                 

Source: Text: Image: giortazei.græ