There are times when we feel we are no longer sure about certain things which we thought we knew well. We suddenly become aware that we may need to take into consideration some factors and readjust our thinking. It could be so regarding… wealth, riches, possessions… It may be that […]
Feast of Diwali – 12 November 2023
Background Diwali is called the « Festival of Lights » and is celebrated to honor Rama-chandra, the seventh avatar (incarnation of the god Vishnu). It is believed that on this day Rama returned to his people after 14 years of exile during which he fought and won a battle against the demons […]
World Day for Decent Work – 7 October
It is good to ask ourselves the question: WHAT IS DECENT WORK? And October 7th is a good day to answer it! Since 2015, the richest 1% has owned more wealth than the rest of the planet (Oxfam). 71% of people say governments should work towards a pay rise for […]
28th Sunday of Year B
We are used to hearing about and speaking of the TWELVE apostles of Jesus. But was it not possible that the group could have counted… thirteen apostles, or even fifteen? There is a text in Luke’s gospel (Lk.9:59-61) where we see Jesus calling some people who are not ready to […]
World Day for Decent Work – 7 October
Since 2015, the richest 1% has owned more wealth than the rest of the planet (Oxfam). 71% of people say governments should work towards a pay rise for workers (ITUC Global Poll 2017). 80% of people say the minimum wage in their country is too low (ITUC Global Poll 2017). […]