2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C – 2022

Repeating things – speaking again the words already said – we do it very often. To remind someone of something, to explain something voiced before, to make sure people have understood. We do it with people and for people, and we do it also… with God! Yes, it is something […]

Easter Sunday, Year C – 2022

A stone rolled away… A corpse… missing… “Strips of linen lying there”… Cloth wrapping the body “still lying in its place”… All these are seen, noted, but… No body lying there, NOBODY present! Yet, the gospel text tells us that when John had witnessed this scene, “He saw and believed.”  […]

Easter Sunday, Year A – 2020

What we see… what we do not see…   It is always like this in life, is it not? We see certain things and we miss others. We perceive certain realities while we cannot distinguish others. The gospel text of this Easter Sunday made me realize this anew (Jn.20:1-9). Peter […]

3rd Sunday of Easter, C

How are you doing? How are things with you? Are you managing all right? How are you faring? So many expressions that we hear repeatedly – expressions of interest in another person, expressions of concern about what is happening to him or her. They manifest to others that we care […]