image-i-nations trésor

Human Rights Day – 10 December

Every so often a thing comes to pass that is of such astounding importance that we must stand up and recognize it. We must place this thing on the pedestal it deserves, and ensure that the precepts and policies put in place by it are adhered to, appreciated, and spread as far as the human voice will carry. Such is the sort of message sent by Human Rights Day.

History of Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day was established in 1948, and ever since that auspicious day it has stood as the first major stride forward in ensuring that the rights of every human across the globe are protected. From the most basic human needs such as food, shelter, and water, all the way up to access to free and uncensored information, such has been the goals and ambitions laid out that day.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was a shout across the world by the leading countries in the world, stating loud and clear that no matter where we live, what we believe, or how we love, we are each individually deserving of the most basic fundamentals of human needs. Every year Human Rights Day marks conferences around the world dedicated to ensuring that these ideals are pursued, and that the basic Human Rights of every person is made a priority in the global theater.

Source: Text & Image: DAYSoftheYEAR

2è dimanche de l’Avent, Ghislaine nous en parle

La 1ère semaine de l’Avent s’achève
et la 2è s’ouvre déjà devant nous.
Quel message nous réservent ces jours d’attente?
Ont-ils un sens pour notre vécu… aujourd’hui?
Ghislaine Deslières nous partage ses réflexions.

1st Sunday of Advent, Year B

Many of us will have heard the words of a friend calling on his friend : “Wake up! I am talking to you!”
Or, someone addressing a colleague with insistence: “Wake up! I am speaking to you about something important.”
In both cases, what we hear is a ‘wake up call’, literally so.

In some way, we could say that such a ‘wake up call’ is one of the main themes of the Advent period starting today.
A message is addressed to us inviting us to come out of our slumber – mental and spiritual – and to pay attention to what is happening around us and within us too.

In today’s gospel (Mk. 13:33-37), it is Jesus himself who tells us: “Stay awake”!
And addressing his twelve friends, he adds:

“What I say to you I say to all: ‘Stay awake’.”
There is a word that, in form and in meaning, is quite similar to the word awake;
It is the word: ‘aware’.
It is good to look at them together and find there the deep meaning of this season of Advent.
In is a time when we should be especially aware – aware of what is taking place around us, aware of what is happening within us.

Aware of God’s message coming to me every day through events and people.
Aware of what I live from day to day, compared to what I would like to live.
Aware of what I do, which may be quite different from what I know I should be doing.
Aware of how I relate to others, and getting to realize that my relationships could be more mutually enriching.

Aware also of what could happen… if only we allow God to reach us and walk with us!
He who chooses the amazing option of becoming a human being like us!
Aware of how close, or how far, I am from him who wants me to live more intimately with him.

Advent: Awake and Aware: the attitude characteristic of this graced season.

Source: Image:

Note: Another reflection is available in French on a different theme at:

and a video presentation can be seen at:

International Day for Tolerance – 16 November

In 1996 the UN General Assembly invited member states to observe the International Day for Tolerance on November 16, with activities directed towards both educational establishments and the wider public (resolution 51/95 of 12 December). This action came in the wake of the United Nations Year for Tolerance, 1995, proclaimed by the assembly in 1993 (resolution 48/126). The year was declared on the General Conference of UNESCO’s initiative. On November 16, 1995, the UNESCO member states adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance and Follow-up Plan of Action for the year.

The 2005 World Summit Outcome document outlines the commitment of Heads of State and Government to advance human welfare, freedom and progress everywhere, as well as to encourage tolerance, respect, dialogue and cooperation among different cultures, civilizations and peoples.

UNESCO’s logo, which features a temple including the UNESCO acronym (for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) within itself and the words “United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization” underneath the temple, is used for online or print promotional material associated with the International Day for Tolerance. The use of the complete name in English, in association with one or several other languages provides an explanation of the acronym of the organization. The six official languages of UNESCO are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Images of people of all backgrounds, cultures and ages, which are assembled into a collage, are also used for the International Day for Tolerance to get the message across to people about understanding tolerance regardless of differences.

Source: Text and Image:


33rd Sunday of Year A

Do you like receiving compliments?
Most people do.
Very rare are those who are not happy when congratulated for something.
We usually enjoy the appreciation shown for what we have done.

And what if the appreciation comes from… God?
Yes, God does rejoice in what we do to please him.
You smile?… You doubt?…

The parable of Jesus in today’s gospel (33rd Sunday of Year A – Mt.25:14-30) says as much.
We often focus our attention on the reprimand given to the third servant.
We rush to the conclusion of the story thinking that this is where the ‘message’ will be found.

But personally, I find a message – and as important as the concluding one – in the words of the master to the first and the second servants:
“Well done, good and faithful servant…”
A statement that is a real compliment showing genuine appreciation!

It was probably unexpected and rather surprising coming from a master known to be:
“a hard man, reaping where he had not sown and gathering where he had not scattered.”
But the man knew how to recognize goodness and faithfulness when he saw them.

And God knows that also.
God is obviously NOT a harsh master demanding from us what we are unable to give.
In fact, our offerings to him are already his gifts to us!
Whatever we do to please him, he is the one enabling us to do it.
Yes, he is genuinely happy when he sees our good intentions.
He delights in our efforts to carry out what we discover is pleasing to him.

How far this picture of God is from that of a demanding and exacting master.
How remote from our misguided imagining which pictures him constantly checking on us to see where we may go wrong.
Yet, sad to say but… it can take a lifetime to correct our wrong ideas of God…

Saint John Marie Vianney – known as the Curé D’Ars – used to say that God is much more eager to forgive a sinner than a mother would be to take her child out of a fire!
And we fear his judgement, we are afraid of punishment!…

At the end of a day, when we have tried to do our best, it may be good to hear again – this time addressed to us – the words of the parable: “Well done, good and faithful servant…”

Source: Image: Pinterest

International Day of Non-Violence – 2 October

The International Day of Non-Violence is marked on 2 October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence.

According to General Assembly resolution A/RES/61/271 of 15 June 2007, which established the commemoration, the International Day is an occasion to « disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness ». The resolution reaffirms « the universal relevance of the principle of non-violence » and the desire « to secure a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence ».

Introducing the resolution in the General Assembly on behalf of 140 co-sponsors, India’s Minister of State for External Affairs, Mr. Anand Sharma, said that the wide and diverse sponsorship of the resolution was a reflection of the universal respect for Mahatma Gandhi and of the enduring relevance of his philosophy.

Quoting the late leader’s own words, he said: « Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man ».

Source: Text & Image: UN

The sculpture « Non-Violence » by the noted Swedish sculptor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, is a gift of the Government of Luxembourg to the United Nations. It’s a large replica of a .45 calibre revolver with a twisted barrel, to symbolize peace and non-violence. UN Photo/Pernaca Sudhakaran
The sculpture de Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, entitled “Non Violence” dates from 1985 and can be seen at Malmö.





World Physical Therapy Day – 8 September

The human body is remarkably easy to damage and break, and no more so than when participating in strenuous physical activity such as sporting or athletic activity.

Physical therapists work to undo damage, educate on healthy behaviour and to restore lost or damaged functionality. Physical Therapy Day, then, is dedicated to these professionals throughout the world, and aims to recognise their commitment to keeping us all fighting-fit.

Source: Text: DAYSoftheYEAR      Image: unsplash

World Physical Therapy Day is on 8th September. The day is an opportunity for physical therapists from all over the world to raise awareness about the crucial contribution the profession makes to keeping people well, mobile and independent.

Theme and message

The overarching theme for World Physical Therapy Day each year is Movement for Health. 

Source: Text: World Confederation for Physical Therapy    

Je blogue, tu blogues…

B L O G U E . . .

Je blogue…
Tu blogues…
Il blogue…

C’est à la mode!

Sur des thèmes variés
Laisser venir les idées
Et la pensée s’envoler
En toute liberté.

On se met à lire
Voilà qu’une phrase inspire
Un mot fait sourire
Il suffit de se laisser conduire.

Se laisser conduire par Lui
Toujours présent, l’Esprit
Qui au cœur murmure et dit
Le message qui réconforte, réjouit…

Nous bloguons
Vous bloguez
Ils bloguent…

Ils voguent
C’est la mode!

N.B. Le blogue est une forme de littérature assez récente. Il présent, tout particulièrement sur la grande toile de l’internet (world wide web = www)
L’office québecois de la langue française dit ceci au sujet des blogues :
« Dans les blogues, on peut donner son point de vue, publier des billets (courts textes) ou des articles (textes plus longs) dont le contenu et la forme, très libres, restent à l’entière discrétion des auteurs, qui peuvent ainsi communiquer leurs idées et leurs impressions.

15è dimanche de l’année, A

Les traductions des textes de l’Évangile varient et cela est souvent positif et nous enrichit.
Dans l’un des textes de l’évangile de ce dimanche (15è, année A – Mt.13 :1-23)
Jésus commence sa parabole en disant :

« Imaginez le semeur… »

Imaginez!… L’imagination peut nous être un outil précieux pour visualiser, en quelque sorte, les scènes de l’évangile.
Au temps de Jésus, un semeur n’avait pas la machinerie compliquée et précise qu’offre l’agriculture moderne.
La méthode du semeur de la Bible ne ressemblait en rien à celle d’aujourd’hui.

Muni de grains enfouis dans un sac porté en bandoulière, on peut le voir marcher à travers son champ.
D’un geste large, il jette au loin les poignées de grain qu’il a puisé dans son sac.
Et le grain tombe ici et là, tout près et au loin, dans toutes sortes de terrain – propice ou… pas!

Jésus décrit d’abord la scène, puis il semble s’arrêter.
Les apôtres ne sont pas satisfaits, ils ne sont pas certains de bien interpréter le message.
Alors ils demandent à Jésus d’expliquer davantage.
Ils pressentent que Jésus parlant de sol rocailleux ou plein de ronces fait allusion à un terrain bien différent.
Jésus explique alors le sens profond de ses paroles.

Quatre terrains, quatre groupes de gens, quatre façons d’accueillir le message de Dieu.

Et, toujours en imagination, j’ajoute une note personnelle à la scène évangélique…
J’imagine Jésus dire à ses auditeurs – ceux de son temps et… du nôtre, nous qui l’écoutons maintenant :
‘Dans quel groupe vous trouvez-vous?’

  • Le sol où le grain tombé en surface a aussitôt disparu…
  • Le sol sans profondeur où le grain est vite desséché…
  • Le sol où le grain est assailli par les épines et étouffé…
  • Le sol qui produit selon sa nature et sa mesure…

À ce moment-là, confrontée par cette question-là, je ne vois plus le semeur mais… mon cœur…

Un coeur si souvent en proie à la distraction, à l’invasion des soucis et la séduction des richesses de tous genres.
Un cœur dont la nature et mesure ont été étriquées peut-être…

Une vie dont le rendement est bien minime si on le compare aux dons reçus… en continu… par le Semeur si généreux, si prodigue, et qui attend toujours une moisson qui devrait être plus abondante…

À l’écoute du Semeur, l’imagination aidant… je perçois et je reçois le message et… je me mets à l’oeuvre!

Source: Image: Free Bible images

Message du Pape au G20 de Hambourg


Le Pape François a envoyé un message aux participants du G20 réunis à Hambourg. Dans son message, il fait appel à la communauté internationale pour «la situation tragique du Soudan du Sud, du bassin du lac Tchad, de la Corne de l’Afrique et du Yémen, où il y a 30 millions de personnes qui n’ont pas de nourriture et d’eau pour survivre. L’engagement pour venir de façon à la rencontre de ces situations et donner un soutien immédiat à ces populations sera un signe du sérieux et de la sincérité de l’engagement à moyen-terme pour réformer l’économie mondiale et une garantie de son développement efficace», précise le Saint-Père.

 Il ajoute: «Je prie Dieu pour que le sommet de Hambourg soit illuminé par l’exemple des leaders européens ou mondiaux qui ont toujours privilégié le dialogue et la recherche de solutions communes : Schuman, De Gasperi, Adenauer, Monnet et tant d’autres».

Source: Images: Clean Energy Wire,