8th Sunday of Year C – 2022

Words, words, words – they can be found everywhere. Words spoken, printed, read, proclaimed, shouted, sung. Your words, my words, those of the learned and those of the ignorant. Those asserted by the bold and those whispered by the fearful. The 1st reading of this Sunday is somehow an invitation […]

3rd Sunday of Year C – 2022

Listening to a speaker can be interesting, inspiring, or… frustrating. The same can be said of listening to a preacher. What makes the difference between inspiration and frustration? You may think that some people are gifted speakers and others simply do not have this gift. This is true, but there […]

21st Sunday of Year B – 2021

Reading the gospel is not an exercise that always provides… comfort. It certainly does at times, but at other times it can be rather upsetting. It happens that Jesus questions us, and even confronts us, in a way that can be disturbing.  This is what we see in today’s gospel […]

13th Sunday of Year B – 2021

The woman we meet in today’s gospel (Mark 5:21-43) was affected with a disease considered shameful in her society –  a condition that should be kept well hidden. But well hidden also was the woman’s secret hope. She had been hoping before, going from one doctor to another, spending all […]

11th Sunday of Year B – 2021

As we read different texts from Scripture, we are sometimes amazed at how bold some statements are. Obviously, the writers are people of faith and they express their belief with strength and conviction. To me, the first line of today’s 2nd reading (2 Cor.5:6-10) is a perfect example of this. […]

28th Sunday of Year A – 2020

 It is quite surprising how often we can catch ourselves saying: ‘I hope that…’ ‘I hope that this will happen…’ ‘I hope that this situation will improve…’ ‘I hope that my child will soon get better…’ ‘I hope that my friend will get a promotion…’ Somehow, it seems that our […]

6th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2020

After nearly two months of confinement and of social distancing, some people are longing to see… the light at the end of the tunnel. With the daily statistics of the Coronavirus more often going up rather than down, people themselves start feeling… down. No wonder that we need to repeat […]

The Feast of the Ascension, Year C – 2019

In the people we relate to, there are many qualities we appreciate: honesty, kindness, thoughtfulness, readiness to help. But there is one which is especially precious: it is faithfulness. This special attitude which guarantees that we can count on people. They are reliable, they are there for us, so to […]

6th Sunday of Year C

It is said that our society is one where immediate gratification is the order of the day. People want success, money, fame, NOW. Satisfaction must be obtained without delay and preferably without too much effort. One can’t wait to possess and to enjoy whatever will satisfy one’s desires. In the […]