A star… a sign… an intuition…
A question… a dream… a decision…

Our lives are made of such, are they not?
The situations we find ourselves in are often made of these elements.
It happens that things are clear-cut and obvious.
But, very often, we are faced with events that are puzzling and confusing.
We ask ourselves questions, we wonder about the best course of action.

On this feast of the Epiphany, we meet Wise Men who were faced with this (Matthew 2:1-12).
They received a sign which they interpreted, and they set out on a journey.
They later received a dream, and having discovered its meaning, they acted accordingly.

A new year has just dawned, and we will most probably have to do the same.
Happenings and events will call for some interpretation.
Situations and circumstances will demand of us decisions of different kinds.

We will be asked to set out on a journey – the journey of life –
and, from day to day, we will need to keep on going on the way…

The stars in the sky, and our nightly dreams, may not show us the path to follow.
But God’s Spirit who has moved the seers and the saints of past times, can do so.

And HE WILL, if we only ask him to guide us on the way…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at: https://image-i-nations.com/fete-de-lepiphanie-du-seigneur-annee-b-2024/


Source: Image: Aleteia




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