
Greetings to each and everyone of you.

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28th Sunday of Year B – 2024

There are times when we feel we are no longer sure about certain things which we thought we knew well.
We suddenly become aware that we may need to take into consideration some factors and readjust our thinking.

It could be so regarding… wealth, riches, possessions…
It may be that we need to reappraise, to evaluate anew, to assess again, to revise the estimates we had made…
Today’s gospel text may lead us to do just that (Mark 10:17-30).

The scene presents us a man who comes to Jesus with a most important question:
he wants to know how to inherit eternal life – no less!
The text tells us:
“He had great wealth”.

But, as Jesus answers him, he tells him openly:
“One thing you lack…”

No matter how great his wealth, or how many possessions he has acquired, he is told, and he knows, deeply, that something is missing.
This mysterious ‘thing’ is… DETACHMENT… he is ‘possessed’ by his possessions!

Jesus’ invitation is to let go, to give to the poor something of his riches and, in this way, obtain “a treasure in heaven”.
Jesus calls him to reconsider what is truly of value, something enduring, everlasting.
None of the riches he owns will last eternally – they may be damaged, lost, stolen…
But to let go of what he has amassed and considers precious… he cannot do.

No wonder we are told that:
“The man’s face fell. He went away sad…”
Because he was not ready to follow Jesus’ way – the way that brings liberation.

We may feel that we resemble him in some ways.
We may also be like the apostles who were “amazed” at Jesus’ words.
The Jews of the time believe that riches were a sign of God’s favour.

Jesus makes it clear that God’s true blessings enable us to do what is impossible for us:
leaving behind what we hold as precious to follow Jesus’ way…


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/28e-dimanche-de-lannee-b-2024/


Source: Image: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints


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