image-i-nations trésor

18th Sunday of Year C – 2022

Belongings, possessions, riches – all items referring to one’s property.
They describe things of value acquired by someone.
Houses, cars, jewels, come immediately to mind, but many more ordinary or unusual items could also be mentioned!

The author of today’s 1st reading (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23) had his own detailed list of all that he had managed to obtain for himself.
(The list is in the words at the beginning of chapter 2 not read in the celebration itself but can be found in the Bible).
Yet, this rich man admitted that all his riches did not make him happy.

This Bible text suggested another one published as a modern parable which I share with you.

A very rich and clever man had gathered a large  fortune. He had managed to get all the things he wanted. After some time, he realized he had everything, except happiness.
One day, he heard about a wise man living by himself in the desert. Of him, people said he was the happiest man in the world and that it was enough to wear his shirt to be fully happy.

The rich man went to him; he bowed low offering him a bag filled with gold and asking to buy his shirt.
“I cannot sell it to you”, said the wise man.
“Why not”, said the rich man.
“Because I have none.”
“If you don’t have even a shirt, how can you be happy?”
To this, the wise man replied, “Only one thing makes a human being happy: a treasure. Woe to him/her who is without a treasure.”
The man with the large fortune exclaimed: “Treasures, I have so many, yet I am not happy,”
Then, the words of wisdom slowly came out: “You have money in plenty and possessions of all kinds, but you have no treasure. This is why you are so sad.”

The exclamation reaches to each one: “Who to him/her who is without a treasure.”

But… not just any treasure can bring happiness…
It is the one Jesus mentions in today’s gospel (Luke 12:13-21):
“Making himself (herself) rich in the sight of God.»
Something to be learned, day after day, by each and everyone who longs to be… HAPPY…


Note: Another reflection is available on a similar theme but presented differently in French at:


Source: Text of the modern parable of the rich man: Translation and adaptation of Lettie Morse, Living with Christ, 20 June 1982      Images: Pinterest  Adobe Stock

28th Sunday of Year B – 2021

Daydreaming can bring someone to wish for all kinds of things –
The things that Royalty and wealthy people can have already:
power and privileges, gold, silver, and precious stones.
And sometimes, health and beauty are added to this rich mixture!
In today’s 1st reading (Wisdom 7:7-11), we meet the great King Solomon who enjoyed these and yet…
Yet, he said that, in his eyes, all these counted for nothing compared to… WISDOM.
An amazing statement…
I wonder how many people would endorse these words today?

In true wisdom, we can find learning, knowledge, sound judgement, insight, discernment.
To these qualities, the ancient Greeks, known for their wisdom, added prudence and self-control.

It is the attitude of someone who sees what is GOOD, judges what is RIGHT, follows what is JUST.
A wise person behaves in the way appropriate to someone created in the image of God – no less!

Of course, this is beyond what we can manage on our own – this is why Solomon says:
“I prayed… I called on God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me.”
We should not expect God’s ‘visitation’ to come in some unusual form or extraordinary apparition.
God’s Spirit of Wisdom can reach us in:

a conversation,
the chapter of a book,
a talk on the radio,
a television presentation,
a silent reflection,
and so many other shapes and occasions… 

Like the many small pieces of a jigsaw puzzle it then makes up our daily experience –
the experience of someone who has learnt to listen, to hear, and… to follow God’s inspiration from day to day…

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:

And a blog, in French, offers also a reflection on the theme of wisdom at:


Source: Images:  

28th Sunday of Year B

We are used to hearing about and speaking of the TWELVE apostles of Jesus.
But was it not possible that the group could have counted… thirteen apostles, or even fifteen?

There is a text in Luke’s gospel (Lk.9:59-61) where we see Jesus calling some people who are not ready to follow him.
And today’s gospel text (28th Sunday of Year B – Mk.10:17-22) shows us another scene where, again, Jesus invites a young man to follow him but… this call is not answered.

The young man wanted a better life, a life closer to God and more faithful to him.
But his existence was already filled with too many things, with too many of the rewards that wealth can provide.
He was not ready to part with all his riches…
We are told: “He went away sad.”

The sadness of holding on to what should be given up…
The regret of not being able to let go…
The heaviness of heart that is clinging to what should be abandoned…
The sorrow of being attached to what causes slavery…
The misery of being possessed by one’s possessions…

A bitter taste: that of delusion, thinking that one is what one has…
A person has become what he/she owns when so much more is offered…

May we overcome such a temptation and be spared such a fate.

Note: another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:

Source : Image :

Une héroïne québecoise

Elle gagne à la loto et claque tout dans un projet humanitaire

Alors qu’elle avait gagné un million de dollars à la loterie nationale en 2013, une Canadienne a décidé de suivre mère Teresa et a créé une association afin de « donner la chance aux riches de toucher les pauvres ».

Rachel Lapierre a toujours eu le sens des autres. Cet ancien mannequin, lauréat du concours Miss Québec de 1982 et mère de famille de quatre enfants, s’est adonnée durant des années à des activités bénévoles. Après avoir dirigé sa propre agence de mannequinat, elle a travaillé comme infirmière et multiplié les voyages humanitaires en Inde et en Haïti.

Donner du sens à son existence
En 2013, la Providence frappe à sa porte puisque Rachel gagne un « salaire à vie » à la loterie québécoise, c’est-à-dire 1.000 dollars canadiens hebdomadaires. Elle a alors pressenti qu’elle allait se consacrer à un nouveau projet au service des plus humbles. « Je désirais faire quelque chose que j’aimais pour le restant de ma vie. Je voulais me mettre au service des autres », témoigne-t-elle.

Ni une ni deux, en deux mois, elle quitte son travail et lance sa propre organisation caritative, Le Book Humanitaire, qu’elle définit comme « un lieu permettant de lier des gens de cœur à des gens dans le besoin ». Ce mouvement gère et coordonne la distribution de dons à des gens dans le besoin. Les projets sont variés : aide aux familles de réfugiés, recherche de logements pour les personnes dans le besoin, collecte de jouets pour les enfants, accompagnement de personnes malades chez un médecin, dons de vêtements…

Aujourd’hui, la vie de Rachel est loin des paillettes et du monde glamour du mannequinat. Et pourtant, c’est cette existence simple dans laquelle elle expérimente le détachement et le partage qui l’a aidée à trouver le vrai bonheur et qui a « nourri » son âme, selon ses mots. Car, prenant au mot la sainte de Calcutta, elle a donné ses mains pour servir et son cœur pour aimer.

Source : Texte : Aleteia, Rachel Molinatti | 26 août 2018 Images :



25th Sunday of the Year, C

None of us would like to be seen as … a slave – the only thought of it is shocking! We cherish and defend our liberty and we do not want it diminished in any way. And yet… in some rare moments of lucidity and honesty, perhaps… perhaps we would admit – only to ourselves, of course – that we may not be as free as we like to believe…

1080-plusToday may be such a moment. The gospel text of this Sunday (25th, Year C – Lk.16:1-13) gives us some food for thought when we hear Jesus say: “No servant can be the slave of two masters… you cannot be the slave both of God and of money.”

Here again, we may be tempted to protest and say: ‘A slave, me? Of course not!’ Yet… a small inner voice may rise gently and say something different.
MONEY, we need it, we save it, we spend it, we… give some of it, no? It is a ‘must’ of our daily life and activities. What can be done without money? What can be obtained without coins, and bills, and credit cards – all this ‘tainted’ currency? It is only ‘normal’ to acquire possessions, and riches of all kinds, if we can manage it!

We know well that the words of Jesus are the echo of the old saying: “Money is a good servant but a bad master.”
We strive to reach the proper balance between possessing and being possessed… no easy feat…


 Some questions can help us look at our status of… slave or free person:
– Do I often complain that I do not have enough money?
– Do I use money properly or do I spend it on useless items?
– Do I sometimes cheat to be able to get things I would not otherwise be able to afford?
– Do I use most of the money I earn for my own purposes and little for my family?
– Do I give money to those in need, or… pretend that I need it myself?

Some are quick to defend themselves saying: ‘I am not rich, I really don’t have much!’ The danger lies not in how rich one is but how attached one is to the little he or she has.
So, perhaps today is THE day to start making friends with money – the kind of friends Jesus speaks about!…

Source: Images: