The publicity is well known that says: “A diamond is for ever.”
What is precious is the diamond, yes, but also the ‘FOR EVER’ aspect.
It answers our deep longing for something that will last, something that will endure.

The good and enjoyable experiences that we make, we would want them to last… for ever!
The fleeting moments of happiness are not enough for us.
The joyful moments of reunion are too soon ended, we would want them to go on and on.
And a deeply satisfying relationship, we would not want it to end, it should be… for ever!

In today’s gospel (5th Sunday of Lent, Year A – Jn.11:1-45) Jesus addresses this ‘for ever’ need.
Speaking with Martha who mourns the death of her brother, he opens up the perspective of life for ever –
a life that goes on beyond the grave.

He says: “If anyone believes in me,
even though he dies, he will live.”

The baby born with a rare disease without cure and whose life is ended in infancy.
The child suddenly killed in an accident.
The young person half conscious struggling between life and death.
The father or mother yesterday full of life and now… mysteriously close to death.
The elderly person, not yet ready to let go of the remaining life within a frail body.

For all of them, Jesus’ words are the answer to their deepest need: to live, yes, TO LIVE FOR EVER.

In the first reading, speaking in God’s name, the prophet Ezechiel (Ez.37:12-14) says:
“I mean to raise you from your graves, my people.”

And in the second reading, Paul writing to the first Christians of Rome tells them (Rom.8:8-11):
“He who raised Jesus from the dead
will give life to your own mortal body.”

One can accept a diamond or… refuse it…
One can believe these words… or ignore them…


One may also like to see the video at:

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