As we read the gospel texts, different words can draw our attention.
At one time, we may be struck by a sentence, or a certain parable.
At another time, the description of a miracle, or the narrative of Jesus meeting with someone, may capture our imagination.

On this 2nd Sunday of Easter (Year A) the text from John’s gospel is quite long (Jn.20:19-31) and what struck me comes near the very end of the reading.
The words that retained my attention may not seem the essential part of the message.
They may not appear to be so important after all…
Still, I linger on them… I ponder them… and I remain with what they say.

“There were many other signs that Jesus worked and the disciples saw,
But they are not recorded in this book.
These are recorded so that you may believe.”

In fact, that is the very reason why Jesus did all that he did: to draw us into a close relationship with him.
A relationship of FAITH – a faith that is trust, reliance on him, acceptance of his message, of his person and of all that he has to give us.
The next sentence of the text completes the message:
“And that believing you may have life.”
Life now, life later… for ever – this is the meaning of the Resurrection of Jesus, the promise of our own…

Source: Image: The Gospel of Coalition Blog

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