logoCMYK2Worldwide, thousands of people suffer or die waiting for an organ. While the majority of the population favors organ donation and transplantation, for a variety of reasons the potential of organ donation is still underexploited.

Fairtransplant contributes to increase awareness on the positive values of organ donation and transplantation by fostering initiatives, producing information material, and supporting events in the field of organ donation and transplantation.

Source: Text & Image: Fairtransplant.org

Join the 2.4 million Quebeckers who’ve registered their consent to organ and tissue donation!
On the occasion of the World Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation, held on October 17, 2015, * the Régie invites you to join the 2.4 million people already registered in the Registre des consentements au don d’organes et de tissus.

If you haven’t done so already, go to our « Consent to organ and tissue donation » webpage and download your personalized registration form, then send it to the Régie. This online service is available at all times so that recording your consent is easy and simple.

Spread the word! And remember, by donating your organs and tissues when you die, you could save up to 8 lives and help 15 other persons regain their health. Give life through organ and tissue donation.

*Wold Day on June 22nd   Editor’s note

Source: Text: Régie de l’assurance maladie Québec

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