World Day Against Software Patents is held on September 24. Brussels, 2nd September 2008 — A global coalition of more than 80 software companies, associations and developers has declared the 24th of September to be the “World Day Against Software Patents”. This event in the third decade of the month September is annual. Help us Help us 
The first software patent was granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on April 23, 1968 on an application filed on April 9, 1965, Martin A. Goetz, a pioneer in the development of the commercial software industry, was the inventor of the first software patent ever granted, U.S. Patent No. 3,380,029.
A global coalition of more than 80 software companies, associations and developers has declared the 24th of September to be the « World Day Against Software Patents ». The Hindu, a national daily dedicated one page of its Bangalore edition to software patents and software freedom. Deepa Kurup contributed written two articles titled « Will patenting take the byte out of IT here? » and « How would it be if you read only one type of book? » which reflects some of the concerns of the Free/Libre/Open Source Software community.
Source: Text:    Image: Journée mondiale

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