W for Wonder

There are words which, while having the same spelling, can have different meanings.
This is the case with the word: WONDER.

One can be wondering in the sense that he/she is asking questions about a certain thing.
He is wondering about the truth of a statement, while she is wondering whether her friend will call her.
But a person can be filled with wonder at the splendor of a landscape.

The second meaning of the word is retained for this reflection.
The word itself is not found as such in the gospel, but its meaning is revealed in certain scenes.
It expresses something which cause enthusiasm.
A situation, an experience that provokes surprise, admiration, awe.
One cannot prevent oneself to voice his/her wonderment!

A scene from the gospel depicts well such a reaction.
It is about the disciples who return after having been sent by Jesus to preach and to heal the sick.
They come back very happy at the result of their apostolic efforts.

“The seventy-two returned with joy and said,
“Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name” (Luke 10:17).

It seems that their positive experience has gone beyond what they had anticipated,
and they describe to Jesus their surprise and their joy.

Jesus himself had, one day, what we could call his ‘WOW’ moment – a moment of real wonder.
He was then expressing to his Father his admiration for the privileged revelation given to the little ones:

“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned,
and revealed them to little children.
Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do” (Matthew 11:25-26).

If someone asked you of you ever had such a ‘WOW moment’…
Could you recall, in your mind, a situation when you spontaneously exclaimed: ‘WOW’! ?

Lent can prove a period that is especially appropriate to find again a spirit of admiration –
admiration for all that is WELL, BEAUTIFUL, and GOOD…

And, also, to give thanks to God who gives us to live such moments –
when we are possessed by wonderment, filled with enthusiasm!

The Psalmist had tasted those moments when he said:
“Lord, my God, many are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us…
Were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare” (Psalm 40:5).

It is up to us to make a personalized version of his text…


Source: Image: Scripture Images

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