K pour kilometers

The word ‘kilometer’ is not found in the texts of the gospel.
But… Jesus has surely travelled hundreds of them in his life!

We constantly see him on the road to some place:

  • on the road to Bethany (Luke 10:38);
  • on the road to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51);
  • on the road to Emmaus (Luke24:13-32).

 John, the apostle, shows him leaving Judaea for Galilee – a journey of some 112 kilometers (John 4:3).

As for Luke, he reveal to us: “Jesus went through every city and village, preaching…” (Luke 8:1).

When people try to keep him at a certain place, he replies:
 “Let us go somewhere else to the nearby villages so I can preach there also. That is why I have come” (Mark 1:38).

All that moving about, all the distance covered, all the trips throughout Palestine, all these have a deep message for me.
They give me to discover… God – the God of Jesus Christ!

A God who comes to us, a God who reaches us where we are…

He had already started in Bethlehem, the place of his birth.
His parents, Mary and Joseph, had to leave Nazareth and made the journey up to that place.
God has come to us, he has become one of us, and he has shared our travelling existence!

Since then, he walks with us and accompanies us on our paths –paths of joy, paths of sorrow –
he has had the experience of them.
He remains the faithful companion, always present on the road of our earthly pilgrimage…


Source: Image: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints


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