Hungering for more…

Walking across the desert…
Food given as yet unknown…
Life beyond the present…
A body more than the flesh…

Hungering for more…

Something else, something more –
So much deeper, more satisfying, more enduring…

“The Lord led you in the wilderness to test you and know your inmost heart…
to test you and so make your future the happier.”   (Dt.8:2-3,14-16)
This is what today’s feast of the Body and Blood of the Lord evokes…
The bread – the Body – is meant for a com-union = a union with Him who wants our happiness –
something beyond all we could imagine or dream of.

“He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
lives in me and I live in him.” (Jn.6:56)
THIS is… the MORE!…

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