The First ‘International Day of the Bible’ was launched on November 24, 2014. Bible ministry groups across the country are asking people to read or promote scripture publicly or online at noon on Nov.24 in what’s been dubbed the first International Day of the Bible. « This is a very simple […]
3rd Sunday of Lent, Year B – 2021
The Scripture texts offered to our reflection for Sundays and Feast days come in different… ‘attires’. Some interesting, some encouraging, some quite challenging. The 2nd reading of this Sunday gives us a short text of the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor.1:22:25). According to me, the message […]
1st Sunday of Advent, Year B – 2020
All kinds of things and situations can keep us awake. For some people, caffeine will do this. Other substances with some stimulant will do the same. But anxiety, fear and worry, will have the same effect: prevent us from sleeping. On the other hand, a phone call announcing some unexpected […]
17th Sunday of Year B
Let us say that you go to borrow from your neighbour some cooking oil to cook a dish. Does it happen often that instead of giving you the small amount you ask for, the neighbour gives you a much larger quantity? Or, if a man goes to a colleague to […]
World Refugee Day – 20 June
The United Nations’ (UN) World Refugee Day is observed on June 20 each year. This event honors the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are forced to flee their homeland under threat of persecution, conflict and violence. People honor the spirit and courage of millions of […]
World Refugee Day – 20 June
The United Nations’ (UN) World Refugee Day is observed on June 20 each year. This event honors the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are forced to flee their homeland under threat of persecution, conflict and violence. Background For years, many countries and regions have been […]
Ascension of the Lord, Year A
In the Bible, there are many texts which are truly beautiful. They are inspiring, encouraging, consoling. They give light, they provide strength, they bring healing. They can lead to the truth, instill wisdom, and enrich our daily life in so many ways. When I ask different people what their favourite […]
3rd Sunday of Lent, Year A
There is much in our lives which is expressed in the… conditional form ! Our conversations often run along these lines: ‘If only I had said this…’ ‘If only he had done that…’ ‘If only she had gone there…’ In the gospel of this 3rd Sunday of Lent (Jn. 4: 5-15-19-26.39-42), it […]
Christmas, Year A
Proverbs often have much wisdom encapsulated in a few words. They convey the popular wisdom which has much to tell us about life and situations. At one time or another, you may have heard this saying: “There is more to it than meets the eye.” Looking at a situation, observing […]
World Bible Day – 24 November
November 24th has been set aside – globally – as World Bible Day. One day a year assigned to the Word of God. Really ? Is it not daily that we need to find there inspiration, strength, comfort, all that enables us to be and to live as we are […]