World Menopause Day – 18 October 2023

World Menopause Day is held each year on 18 October to raise awareness, break the stigma and highlight the support available for improving health and wellbeing for those experiencing menopause. Menopause is not just a gender or age issue, it is an organisational issue which can impact colleagues both directly […]

World Obesity Day – 4 March

About WOD World Obesity Day is a unified day of action that calls for a cohesive, cross-sector response to the obesity crisis. It takes place on 4 March and is convened by the World Obesity Federation in collaboration with its global members.  Hundreds of individuals, organisations and alliances contribute to […]

World Bipolar Day – 30 March

World Bipolar Day is designed to raise awareness worldwide of bipolar conditions and to work to eliminate social stigma whilst providing information to educate and help people understand the condition. Bipolar disorder affects a person’s mood, which can swing from one extreme to the other, with someone suffering from the […]

World Leprosy Day – 26 January

World Leprosy Day is annually observed around the world on the last Sunday of January. The day was initiated in 1954 by French philanthropist and writer, Raoul Follereau, as a way to raise global awareness of this deadly ancient disease and call attention to the fact that it can be […]

World Mental Health Day – 10 October

World Mental Health Day was established in 1992 by the World Federation for Mental Health. In some countries around the world, it forms just one part of the larger Mental Illness Awareness Week. Mental health problems, ranging from issues like depression and anxiety disorders to conditions like schizophrenia, affect millions […]

Quelqu’un de chez nous…

Mark Wainberg, est décédé la semaine dernière à Miami à l’âge de 71 ans. Il était reconnu internationalement pour ses recherches sur le virus VIH et le sida. Il a joué un rôle des plus importants dans la découverte d’un médicament et de son usage pour le traitement de cette […]

World Health Day – 7 April 2017

World Health Day, celebrated on 7 April every year to mark the anniversary of the founding of WHO, provides us with a unique opportunity to mobilize action around a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. The theme of 2017 World Health Day campaign is depression. […]

World Bipolar Day – 30 March

Like many mental illnesses, bipolar has become a flippant by-word to describe an unpredictable, emotional person. But for the millions of people who deal with themisunderstood condition, bipolar is not a joke. On World Bipolar Day, those living with the disease, as well as the health experts and charities who […]

World AIDS Day – 1st December

WHAT IS WORLD AIDS DAY? World AIDS Day is held on the 1st December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the […]

World Bipolar Day – 30 March

World Bipolar Day (WBD) will be celebrated each year on March 30th, the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh, who was posthumously diagnosed as probably having bipolar disorder. The vision of WBD is to bring world awareness to bipolar disorders and eliminate social stigma. Through international collaboration the goal of World […]