image-i-nations trésor

22nd Sunday of the Year A

Some texts of Scripture are comforting and encouraging.
Others are demanding and quite challenging.
This is the case with the words we hear in the readings of this Sunday (22nd of Year A).

In his letter to the Romans, Paul invites them (12:1-2) to something especially difficult when he tells them:

“to discover the will of God and know what is good,
what it is that God wants, what is the perfect thing to do.”

Searching for what is good and pleasing to God, yes, but more still: striving for what is perfect!
This advice is a challenge indeed, it calls for an ongoing effort to stretch ourselves, to go beyond what has been achieved already.
It asks for… more!

And is there not a little irony in the fact that the well-known sign for more is… + yes, the sign of a cross!

In today’s gospel (Mt.16:21-27), Jesus tells his apostles that this is what is awaiting him: the cross.
His words meet with more than a little resistance from Peter.
As they may do from us also…

But Jesus message is clear and uncompromising:
“If anyone wants to be a follower of mine…
let him take up his cross and follow me.”  

We would rather choose another way but… this is HIS way.
And, as he asks us to follow him, we know that he is inviting us also to where this leads:
“When the Son of God comes in his glory, he will reward each one according to his behaviour.” 

Source: Image: Catholic in Brooklyn – blogger

21st Sunday of the Year, A

Questions, questions!
Our world is full of them, our lives are full of them – we can’t escape them!
Our minds search and struggle to find the answers – the correct answers, of course.

“What is this?”
“Where did you go?”
“Whom did you meet?”
“How did you manage?”
“Why did you do this?”

Some questions may be important, very important in themselves.
Others may become so because of the person addressing them to us.

And what if it is… God himself who questions us?
This is what happens in the gospel of this Sunday (21st Sunday of Year A – Mt.16:13-20) where Jesus (God-wit-us) asks his apostles:

“You, who do you say I am?”

This question is over 2000 years old and yet… very actual because we know that – in a mysterious way – it concerns us as well!
As you read these words your mind may be already at work.
If you ask yourself who Jesus is for you, the answer coming may be one of those memorized long ago:

  • He is the Son of God, the second Person of the Holy Trinity.
  • He is our Saviour, our Redeemer.
  • He is the Good Shepherd.
  • He is…

And if I stopped you there and asked as Jesus did: “Who is he for you?”
This Sunday provides us with a good opportunity to become aware of this – aware of who he is for us, in our lives, from moment to moment.
Aware of what he wants to be and what kind of very personal relationship he wants with each one of us.
Yes, this is a unique occasion to REAL-ize this!

Source: Image: Free Bible Images