image-i-nations trésor

Des ‘étoiles’…


Il y en a de toutes les sortes –
Il y a, bien sûr, le firmament étoilé qui attire nos regards et nous fascine.

Il y a toutes ces étoiles suspendues à nos sapins de Noël qui enchantent les enfants.
L’étoile fixée avec grand soin au-dessus de la crèche pour montrer le chemin aux Rois Mages de plâtre ou de papier mâché.

Il y a aussi, comment les oublier? Ces étoiles du monde des sports et les vedettes de cinéma que l’on qualifie de ‘stars’!

Mais mon ciel quotidien me révèle d’autres ‘étoiles’…

  • Le sourire de l’enfant qui illumine ma journée.
  • Le service rendu par cette voisine qu’on ne dérange jamais.
  • L’accueil de la caissière qui me sert avec empressement.
  • Le travail assidu du concierge toujours prêt à aider.
  • La remarque positive de cette dame paraplégique qui ne se plaint jamais.
  • La conversation agréable avec une collègue de travail.
  • Le conseil judicieux du médecin, du comptable, de la préposée aux soins…

Des étoiles… parfois fugitives comme… une étoile filante!
Vite disparue, effacée de mon souvenir, et pourtant…
La lumière de ces ‘étoiles’ me rejoint par une journée de grisaille ou de déprime…

Et si, en cette nouvelle année qui s’amène, je devenais… une ‘étoile’ pour ceux et celles qui m’entourent…

Source: Images:;  Freepik

Palm Sunday, C

Some years before, they had come to make him king. It was after the multiplication of the loaves. Imagine someone feeding a huge crowd with 5 loaves and two fish – this is the kind of king they wanted, the kind of king they needed. With him the social problems of their people would be solved in no time. So, in what we would call today a ‘populist movement’ they wanted to take him and crown him by force. But he had escaped to the mountain and spent the night there, praying (Jn.6:15).

Later, during some discussion with the Jews, he had told them: “Human approval means nothing to me” (Jn.5:41). But he knew that they did not believe his words and he told them clearly: “Nothing I say has penetrated into you” (Jn.8:37).

And then, unexpectedly, he sends two of his apostles to a village telling them to fetch a donkey, yes, a donkey. He sits on it and enters Jerusalem surrounded by a crowd crying out with joy: “Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Lk. 19:38). Strange, this time he not only accepts this manifestation but he has, somehow, ‘stage managed’ it, people would say nowadays.

A king, on a donkey? Which earthly ruler would accept to be seen on such a mount?TriEntry3
A king without a territorial kingdom to claim as his own?
A king without soldiers to wage war in his name to spread his fame and his rule?
A king without servants – nay, a king who is THE servant?!

What does this mean?
What does it mean to his people?
What does it mean to HIM?
What does it mean to US?

In four days’ time, only 4 days, he will be seen doing the work of a slave, washing the feet of his apostles (Jn.13:2-11).
The following day, the crowd that had cried so loud: “Blessings on the King… ” (Jn.12:13) will now shout: “Crucify him!” (Jn.19:15).

When asked by Pilate if he is a king, he will not deny it but he will make it clear what kind of a king he is: the one who came to witness to the truth – not what the Roman prefect expected to hear – in fact, he did not even listen to the answer (Jn.18:33-38).
He is a king who brings peace to the world – the chants of the people have recognised this.

SERVICE – PEACE – TRUTH, perhaps this is the deep meaning of Palm Sunday…
The deep meaning of what we pray every day: “Your kingdom come…”

Source: Image: