There are times when we feel we are no longer sure about certain things which we thought we knew well. We suddenly become aware that we may need to take into consideration some factors and readjust our thinking. It could be so regarding… wealth, riches, possessions… It may be that […]
18th Sunday of Year C – 2022
Belongings, possessions, riches – all items referring to one’s property. They describe things of value acquired by someone. Houses, cars, jewels, come immediately to mind, but many more ordinary or unusual items could also be mentioned! The author of today’s 1st reading (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23) had his own detailed list […]
28th Sunday of Year B – 2021
Daydreaming can bring someone to wish for all kinds of things – The things that Royalty and wealthy people can have already: power and privileges, gold, silver, and precious stones. And sometimes, health and beauty are added to this rich mixture! In today’s 1st reading (Wisdom 7:7-11), we meet […]
28th Sunday of Year B
We are used to hearing about and speaking of the TWELVE apostles of Jesus. But was it not possible that the group could have counted… thirteen apostles, or even fifteen? There is a text in Luke’s gospel (Lk.9:59-61) where we see Jesus calling some people who are not ready to […]
Une héroïne québecoise
Elle gagne à la loto et claque tout dans un projet humanitaire Alors qu’elle avait gagné un million de dollars à la loterie nationale en 2013, une Canadienne a décidé de suivre mère Teresa et a créé une association afin de « donner la chance aux riches de toucher les […]
25th Sunday of the Year, C
None of us would like to be seen as … a slave – the only thought of it is shocking! We cherish and defend our liberty and we do not want it diminished in any way. And yet… in some rare moments of lucidity and honesty, perhaps… perhaps we would […]