33rd Sunday of Year A – 2020

The text of the 2nd reading of this Sunday could be addressed to us, and it is! The words of Paul to the Thessalonians seem to take on a new meaning in this period of pandemic (1 Th.5:1-6). “While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly.” […]

26th Sunday of Year B

I read and read again the 1st reading of this Sunday (26th Sunday of Year B – Nb.11:25-29) and the first part of the gospel (Mk.9:38-43) and… I try to read between the lines – read the words and the meaning that is hidden there. The two texts are similar […]

27th Sunday of Year A

The gospel narratives give us many parables of Jesus. All of them are inspiring, some are challenging, others rather disturbing. I think that the one in this Sunday’s gospel (27th Sunday, Year A – Mt.21:33-43) must have appeared very shocking to Jesus’ listeners. And it was! For us, 21 centuries […]

1st Sunday of Lent, Year A

  We are all familiar with the use of magnets. A mechanic finds very useful a screwdriver with a magnet to gather screws and bolts. A seamstress also sees as very practical her scissors with a magnet to pick up pins scattered on the floor. And many of us have […]