Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year C – 2022

One day, I heard someone say with much conviction: “We must let God be God!” Perhaps this is what today’s celebration is meant to remind us of: Let God be God… Accept that God is… so much greater than we can picture, so much wiser than we can understand, so […]

15th Sunday of Year A – 2020  

There is a proverb that says: “There is no deafness worse than that of the one who does not want to hear.” Jesus’ words as he concludes his parable in this Sunday’s gospel text (Mt.13:1-23) could be addressing this condition: He says: “He who has ears to hear, let him […]

15th Sunday of the Year, A

The words we use can express different levels of meaning. Some words go deeper than others, we know it. To get a glimpse of something or to catch sight of someone, is different from truly looking at the thing or the person. Looking at a scene, staring at somebody, this […]

The Man Born Blind

He is well known – in the gospel, that is. He is ready to tell us again what happened to him when he met the Man of Nazareth… After the video, you may like to see also: http://image-i-nations.com/4th-sunday-of-lent-year-a/